In the ocean, deep down

Under raging waves, wrapped in memories, you'll find

Wrecks of stately ships, they all went astray

Captain, did you find

Land of Mu, Eldorado for the seaman?

Or did you sink in dreams (and) lose your ship

In the Sirens' symphony?

When the sailman's sailing away

He shows that the dream of Lemuria is true

A land lost he will find again

wrecks - virane
world - Dünya
waves - dalgalar
under - altında
wrapped - örtülü
symphony - senfoni
dreams - rüyalar
dream - rüya
raging - şiddetli
depth - derinlik
captain - kaptan
anemone - anemon
enter - girmek
again - Tekrar
astray - yoldan
below - altında
memories - hatıralar
ocean - okyanus
headed - başlı
close - kapat
hypnotized - hipnotize edilmiş
underwater - sualtı
sailing - yelkencilik
stars - yıldızlar
seaman - denizci
seven - yedi
stately - görkemli
ships - gemiler
shows - gösterileri

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