This is a love song.

Your love for me is not debatable

Your se**** appetite's insatiable

You never ever make me waitable

Delectable, inflatable you.

You don't have problems with your weight at all

You never steal food off my plate at all

I never have to masturbate at all

Unstoppable, inflatable you.

You never seem to menstruate at all

So you're not angry when I'm late at all

I feel permanently fallatable

Unpoppable, inflatable you.

With you in my arms I feel we could just fly away

With the right kind of gas I might even try it some day

In this ocean of life I'm never afraid I might drown

We could just float forever whatever the weather

Whenever my inflatable lover's around.

Your thighs and buttocks are so holdable

You always do what you are toldable

And if we argue you just foldable

Controllable consolable you.

whenever - her ne zaman
weather - hava
unstoppable - durdurulamaz
weight - ağırlık
tissue - doku
tickly - alıngan
steve - steve
static - statik
squirts - squirts
snore - horlama
smooth - pürüzsüz
squeezable - sıkılabilir
sensitive - hassas
watch - izlemek
psych - psych
plate - plaka
problems - sorunlar
permanently - kalıcı olarak
ocean - okyanus
might - belki
menstruate - regl olmak
thighs - baldırlar
bacharach - Bacharach
float - şamandıra
forever - sonsuza dek
quite - oldukça
felicity - mutluluk
crack - çatlak
trait - kişisel özellik
birth - doğum
prickly - dikenli
controllable - kontrol edilebilir
control - kontrol
simple - Basit
complain - şikayet
clean - temiz
reckon - hesaba katmak
never - asla
afraid - korkmuş
couple - çift
although - olmasına rağmen
suitable - uygun
steal - çalmak
about - hakkında
around - etrafında
delectable - nefis
buttocks - kalça
drown - boğmak
debatable - tartışılabilir
always - Her zaman
masturbate - mastürbasyon yapmak
angry - kızgın
adorable - tapılası
disgusted - bıkkın
argue - tartışmak
inflatable - şişme
kerouac - kerouac
downstairs - alt kat
electricity - elektrik
whatever - her neyse
feasible - mümkün
furry - kürklü
mates - arkadaşları
holes - delikler
afford - parası yetmek
masters - ustaları
girls - kızlar
hairy - kıllı
theirs - onların
could - could
insatiable - doyumsuz
hooters - Hooters
which - hangi
ignorable - ardı
knees - dizler
inches - inç
right - Sağ
issue - konu
friends - arkadaşlar
kissing - öpüşmek
jealous - kıskanç

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