Wizards of a modern age cast spells of electric power
But the corporate strings that make them dance
Lead up to an ivory tower
There sit the fates in solitude, far from the public eye
No one ever sees them smile and nothing makes them cry
Welcome to the kingdom, the land of bought and sold
A world of real-life fantasy where truths are seldom told
Try hard to remember all that glitters is not gold
You can pay the piper, but you cannot buy his soul
It's just a game, you're in it all the way
wonder - merak etmek
wizards - sihirbazlar
which - hangi
where - nerede
truths - gerçekler
truth - hakikat
yours - seninki
there - Orada
their - onların
gonna - olacak
world - Dünya
continues - devam ediyor
glitters - pırıltılar
trust - güven
fates - kader
poets - şairler
dreams - rüyalar
doubt - şüphe
power - Güç
modern - modern
dance - dans
heard - duymuş
public - halka açık
corporate - tüzel
watch - izlemek
calculate - hesaplamak
bought - satın
fantasy - fantezi
puppet - kukla
spells - büyü
electric - elektrik
cannot - yapamam
believe - inanmak
ivory - fildişi
computerized - bilgisayarlı
flame - alev
schemes - şemaları
solitude - yalnızlık
about - hakkında
choose - seçmek
select - seçmek
collect - toplamak
crumble - ufalamak
chorus - koro
welcome - hoşgeldiniz
fancy - fantezi
kingdom - krallık
shame - utanç
learned - bilgili
makes - markaları
yourself - kendin
master - ana
seldom - nadiren
motives - motifler
strings - dizeleri
tower - kule
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
piper - gaydacı
remember - hatırlamak
smile - gülümseme
somebody - birisi
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