Sometimes life is like a curse

We are bound by

So blind to see that our time is running out

In the big machinery called world

We are their puppets

Left cold and numb

We are the slaves of our own

Wild - Inspiring - Hypnotizing

Take the step - Cross the boundaries

Dreamchaser we are

world - Dünya
waiting - bekleme
voice - Ses
there - Orada
their - onların
sometimes - ara sıra
running - koşu
reality - gerçeklik
escape - kaçış
spell - büyü
dreams - rüyalar
heart - kalp
curse - lanet
called - denilen
machinery - makinalar
break - kırılma
seems - görünüyor
cross - çapraz
bound - ciltli
hunting - avcılık
puppets - kuklalar
slaves - köle
boundaries - sınırları
fight - kavga
dream - rüya
blind - kör
inspiring - ilham verici
mercy - merhamet
nightmare - kâbus
knows - bilir
light - ışık
listen - dinlemek
night - gece

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