oh the moon was full and the color of blood
the night the pirates came to the vampire club
their leader was tall and snide and slim
he looked like a gay captain morgan
well, he recognized a vampire from his school
and he did something that was most uncool
he said 'hey everybody, see the fool in the cape?
his name is bernie weinstein and he's in the 8th grade!'
fangs were flying, capes were torn
hell hath no fury like a vampire scorned
the number one rule in this game:
never call one by his real name
upside - üst taraf
undead - ölümsüz
uncool - hiç hoş
still - yine
something - bir şey
while - süre
their - onların
snaggletooth - snaggletooth
there - Orada
school - okul
really - gerçekten mi
pulled - çekti
puddle - su birikintisi
avoid - önlemek
contacts - kontaklar
color - renk
capes - pelerinler
boots - bot ayakkabı
vampire - vampir
called - denilen
broke - kırdı
boris - boris
cause - sebeb olmak
gaggle - kaz sürüsü
blood - kan
another - bir diğeri
recognized - tanınan
laughed - güldü
angst - endişe
night - gece
snide - küçümseyen
anything - her şey
always - Her zaman
morgan - morgan
scorned - hor görülmüş
bernie - bernie
crushed - ezilmiş
pointy - sivri
around - etrafında
black - siyah
missi - missi
heads - kafalar
danced - dans
believe - inanmak
singing - şan
after - sonra
drain - akıtmak
fangs - dişleri
dressed - giyinmiş
everybody - Herkes
fight - kavga
flushed - kızardı
goths - goths
grade - sınıf
ladies - kadınlar
rivet - perçin
never - asla
flying - uçan
leader - lider
peaceful - huzurlu
captain - kaptan
looked - baktı
orders - emirler
number - numara
pirates - korsanlar
Çeviriyi görmek için herhangi bir kelimeye tıklayın
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