Just wait, the suffering will come.

When you're exposing yourself to a Hell you can't corrupt.

All I hear are words, no actions, to stop this plague.

I'm just a fraction of humanity waiting to die, waiting for these

Nightmares to subside.

This is not a question of how you will prevail, it's a question of what

Will you say when you're burning in Hell.

What will you say when you're burning in Hell?

words - kelimeler
vision - vizyon
think - düşünmek
suffering - çile
society - toplum
question - soru
conform - uymak
before - önce
commit - işlemek
submit - gönder
corrupt - yozlaşmış
prevail - hakim
contradiction - çelişki
behind - arkasında
actions - eylemler
walls - Duvarlar
humanity - insanlık
allegiance - bağlılık
become - olmak
living - yaşam
waiting - bekleme
religion - din
burning - yanan
subside - çökmek
decide - karar ver
until - a kadar
designed - tasarlanmış
nightmares - kabuslar
yourself - kendin
everything - her şey
exposing - teşhir
fraction - kesir
plague - veba
organize - düzenlemek
these - bunlar
never - asla

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