I'll be the round about
The words will make you out 'n' out
You change the day your way
Call it morning driving thru the sound and
In and out the valley
The music dance and sing
They make the children really ring
I spend the day your way
Call it morning driving thru the sound and
In and out the valley
In and around the lake
Mountains come out of the sky and they
Stand there
One mile over we'll be there and we'll see
Ten true summers we'll be there and
Laughing too
Twenty four before my love you'll see I'll be
words - kelimeler
wings - kanatlar
eagle - kartal
driving - sürme
closer - yakın
along - uzun bir
partly - kısmen
summers - yazlar
silhouette - siluet
morning - sabah
answers - cevaplar
weather - hava
atmosphere - atmosfer
deeper - daha derine
before - önce
distance - mesafe
grains - taneler
twenty - yirmi
cloud - bulut
chorus - koro
change - değişiklik
searching - arama
create - yaratmak
laughing - gülme
years - Yıl
around - etrafında
sound - ses
about - hakkında
dance - dans
spins - spin
dancing - dans
drifting - sürüklenen
charge - şarj etmek
children - çocuklar
valley - vadi
million - milyon
fears - endişe
swirling - girdap gibi
mountains - dağlar
thousand - bin
music - müzik
really - gerçekten mi
remember - hatırlamak
round - yuvarlak
roundabout - dolambaçlı
sailor - denizci
catching - bulaşıcı
spend - harcamak
stand - durmak
surrounded - çevrili
there - Orada
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