When you're driving down the highway at night
And you're feelin' that wild turkey's bite
Don't give Johnny Walker a ride
Cause Jack Black is right by your side
You might get taken to the jailhouse and find
You've been arrested for driving while blind
Now just the other night with nothin' to do
while - süre
walker - yürüteç
there - Orada
started - başladı
blind - kör
black - siyah
alarm - Alarm
highway - karayolu
blood - kan
anyone - kimse
taken - alınmış
cause - sebeb olmak
right - Sağ
broke - kırdı
automobile - otomobil
nobody - kimse
arrest - tutuklamak
against - karşısında
proof - kanıt
alcohol - alkol
could - could
arrested - tutuklandı
driving - sürme
night - gece
grain - tahıl
wonderful - olağanüstü
jailhouse - hapishane
unkind - kırıcı
johnny - johnny
might - belki
other - diğer
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