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Öğrenmeye başla
The time is up!
Ransack the house!
Oh, woe. Oh, woe.
Oh, woe.
And "Oh, woe" again.
Ha! For the last time,
where is my bride?
For the very last time,
here is your bride.
Here on this appalling
pall, dead.
Dead, permanently dead.
Dead, dead.
O monstrous fate!
My sweet innocent bride... dead.
Yes. Give her air!
How did she die?
Well, she just sort of
rolled over and... - No, no.
How did it happen?
One glimpse of your
grandeur from above,
the shock was too much.
Poor child, a virgin
till the end.
A lot of good it did you.
Spare me. I cannot
control my tears. - Go ahead.
It's nature's release.
Her bridal bower becomes
a burial bier of
bitter bereavement.
Very good.
Can you say "Titus the
tailor told ten tall tales
to Titania the titmouse"?
Do not try to cheer me.
I am inconsolable.
- Why torture yourself? Just go.
- Yes.
Yes. Poor girl...
to have died so young without
ever having experienced me.
No, I cannot leave
without giving her the comfort
of a proper funeral service.
Sir, do you have time
for that?
Isn't there a war
you should be starting
somewhere? - Silence!
I insist on
conducting a funeral.
Summon mourners.
Mourners. Mourners? Back.
Back, back, back.
What do you mean,
a funeral?
A funeral! A rapid requiem, a quick dirge.
It's nothing.
All right, but any coins
he puts on my eyes I keep.
- I certainly have been.
Gather firewood.
She shall be cremated.
young - genç
without - olmadan
yourself - kendin
torture - işkence
titmouse - baştankara
there - Orada
tears - gözyaşı
tales - hikayeleri
sweet - tatlı
summon - çağırmak
starting - Başlangıç
spare - yedek
somewhere - bir yerde
shock - şok
shall - -acak
mourners - yaslı
experienced - deneyimli
bower - kameriye
bride - gelin
dirge - ağıt
proper - Uygun
cremated - yakılmak
bereavement - kayıp
coins - madeni para
insist - ısrar etmek
burial - defin
bitter - acı
house - ev
cannot - yapamam
appalling - korkunç
cheer - tezahürat
becomes - olur
titus - titus
ahead - önde
tailor - terzi
having - sahip olan
conducting - iletken
control - kontrol
child - çocuk
again - Tekrar
silence - sessizlik
should - meli
comfort - konfor
bridal - gelin
where - nerede
quick - hızlı
gather - toplamak
glimpse - belirti
grandeur - ihtişam
happen - olmak
rolled - haddelenmiş
inconsolable - avutulamaz
leave - ayrılmak
release - serbest bırakmak
monstrous - korkunç
firewood - yakacak odun
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
virgin - bakire
permanently - kalıcı olarak
above - yukarıdaki
funeral - cenaze
ransack - Ransack
service - hizmet
rapid - hızlı
giving - vererek
requiem - ölülerin ruhu için dua
certainly - kesinlikle
innocent - masum
right - Sağ
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
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