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Öğrenmeye başla
That was a very int... Ow! Ow!
Could you just stop that, please?
Hey! You, stop tapping.
Let's just have a break, shall we? Just...
Right, what's next?
Ooh! This one's in German. Wow.
Let me be able to understand German.
What are you talking about, Dennis?
Just shut up, okay?
I can handle this.
Dennis, she is madly in love with me.
Okay? What is wrong with that?
She's not going wanna marry me.
Or have my children.
Dennis, what are you talking about?
I think that's a really good point.
What are you talking about?
- Dennis, be able to speak.
- Biscuits.
- What?
- Biscuits.
Maybe if I make her love me
like a little bit, you know,
not so much that
she wants to marry me
For crying out loud,
they're in the cupboard.
- What are?
- Biscuits.
Well, I'm not gonna give you a biscuit
until you answer my question.
Red biscuits, black biscuits.
- Is that all you think about?
- Biscuits!
Please, please, please!
Nothing else matters. Biscuits! Please!
All right, all right, Dennis,
become a rational, thinking creature.
Look, I just can't concentrate on anything
until I've had one of those biscuits.
I know it's crazy
but that's how it is.
I guess I'm kind of hooked on them.
So, please, give me just one biscuit,
then I'll be able to think
about something else.
That makes sense.
Oh, oh, oh! He's get the biscuits!
He's getting...
Oh! He has get the biscuits. This is it!
This is it!
He's getting them.
He's got them.
He's got them. He's going to throw one.
Here it comes.
God, it must be terrible being a dog.
I never realised
you had so many cravings.
- It's no worse than you and that bitch.
- What bitch?
The bitch you were shagging last night.
Oh, my God. She's not a bitch, Okay?
She's a...a lovely human female.
And we weren't just shagging.
Yes, you were.
No, actually, we were doing
a lot of talking.
- Talking about shagging?
- No.
- What else is there to talk about?
- Plenty!
Come to think of it, I wouldn't
mind shagging your leg right now.
How about it? A little leg dance?
Come on, Daddy.
I thought I turned you into
a rational, thinking creature.
Rational, thinking creatures
still have desires.
Oh, well,
we can soon deal with that.
- No! Don't take my desires away from me.
- Why not?
They're what make my life worth living.
Biscuits, shagging.
I don't think I like your conversation.
But I worship you, master.
I love you so much.
I can't bear displeasing you.
My whole world collapses,
when you're cross with me.
Look, maybe it was better
when you didn't talk.
Oh, no, don't take away my power of speech
now that I can think rationally.
That would be so cruel.
Somebody at the door.
The bell! The bell!
The bell! The bell!
Hey, the bell!
Hey, hey, somebody. There it goes again.
Hey, hey, somebody at the door.
Oh, no, have I done something wrong again?
No, just... Just be quiet.
Do you understand me?
Yes. Yes, anything to stop you
being angry with me.
There it goes again!
Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Dennis, listen. Just listen,
listen, listen, listen, listen.
Be quiet. That is an order.
Right. Right.
I-I like obeying orders,
especially your orders.
Good. Well, then, shut the fuck up.
Right, right. Shut the fuck up.
Yeah, right.
Good boy.
wrong - Yanlış
worth - değer
worship - ibadet
human - insan
displeasing - hoşa gitmeyen
especially - özellikle
getting - alma
daddy - baba
better - Daha iyi
biscuit - bisküvi
living - yaşam
german - almanca
dance - dans
become - olmak
cross - çapraz
speech - konuşma
crying - ağlayan
cruel - acımasız
biscuits - bisküvi
again - Tekrar
female - kadın
until - a kadar
cupboard - dolap
right - Sağ
hooked - bağlanmış
cravings - istek
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
concentrate - yoğunlaşmak
dennis - dennis
bitch - orospu
whole - bütün
talking - konuşma
answer - cevap
handle - sap
going - gidiş
actually - aslında
guess - tahmin
gonna - olacak
children - çocuklar
anything - her şey
thinking - düşünme
conversation - konuşma
little - küçük
could - could
creature - yaratık
crazy - çılgın
lovely - güzel
madly - delice
understand - anlama
never - asla
makes - markaları
night - gece
matters - hususlar
rationally - rasyonel bir şekilde
maybe - olabilir
marry - evlenmek
obeying - itaat
doing - iş
angry - kızgın
speak - konuşmak
collapses - çökmeler
order - sipariş
orders - emirler
plenty - bol
point - puan
question - soru
comes - geliyor
creatures - yaratıklar
master - ana
there - Orada
quiet - sessiz
about - hakkında
power - Güç
realised - gerçekleştirilen
break - kırılma
shagging - shagging
really - gerçekten mi
desires - arzuları
sense - duyu
world - Dünya
please - lütfen
shall - -acak
somebody - birisi
being - olmak
black - siyah
something - bir şey
still - yine
tapping - dokunarak
those - bu
terrible - korkunç
turned - dönük
rational - akılcı
think - düşünmek
wants - istiyor
thought - düşünce
listen - dinlemek
throw - atmak
would - olur
wanna - istiyorum
worse - daha da kötüsü
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