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Öğrenmeye başla
I couldn't tie my shoes
until I was ten,
but I could make a martini.
I was like Isaac on our sinking
little Love Boat.
Thank you, sweetheart.
This is perfect.
Tell me, have you met any nice
girls at school this year?
Yeah, they're nice.
You give any thought
to what we talked about?
None of the other fifth graders know
what they're gonna do after high school.
Do I care about a bunch
of pansy fifth graders
with silver spoons
in their mouths?
I sorta like the idea of
teaching. Teaching sounds good.
That's terrific, honey.
I can't remember them
without a drink in their hand.
You know, when my father used to pitch
baseballs to me in the backyard,
he never spilled a drop.
Oh my God, I can't even imagine.
Your parents didn't drink?
No, we never played games
in the backyard.
Well, first of all,
we didn't have a backyard.
And second of all, the closest
we ever came to a game was...
the "feel wheel."
Rage is at the top.
Then we move down to frustration,
confusion, loneliness.
On the other side we have
loving, affectionate, silly.
Eli, you go first.
Take your name,
and put it on the emotion
you're feeling right now.
That's right, Eli.
Don't think. Look inside.
- What are you feeling?
- Right now, go.
Don't think - go!
Do I have to, Dr. Wyckoff?
Can you do it
for Mommy?
You'd just be walking alone,
and then you think,
"Gee, I feel happy," and you'd
put your little flag on the wheel?
No, no, it was just...
something my parents
wanted us to do. so that...
they would feel
more enlightened.
Like getting us to say penis
and vagina at the dinner table.
You know, so that we'd feel
comfortable talking about sex?
which is probably why now I prefer
"pee-pee" and "who-who."
More pee-pee
than who-who, I'd imagine.
Does it show?
I don't think that game would
have been a hit in my house,
unless there was a section
on the wheel for thirsty.
Well, there was a section
on the wheel for scared...
but you'd have had
to share that one with me.
wyckoff - wyckoff
wanted - aranan
until - a kadar
unless - olmadıkça
thought - düşünce
their - onların
thank - teşekkür
terrific - müthiş
teaching - öğretim
talked - konuştuk
table - tablo
spilled - dökülen
sorta - sorta
silver - Gümüş
silly - saçma
shoes - ayakkabı
thirsty - susuz
share - pay
there - Orada
school - okul
scared - korkmuş
remember - hatırlamak
probably - muhtemelen
games - oyunlar
fifth - Beşinci
gonna - olacak
frustration - hüsran
vagina - vajina
father - baba
loving - seven
emotion - duygu
spoons - kaşık
prefer - tercih etmek
enlightened - aydın
could - could
sounds - sesleri
sinking - batma
little - küçük
alone - yalnız
honey - bal
drink - içki
parents - ebeveyn
after - sonra
section - Bölüm
baseballs - baseballs
right - Sağ
feeling - duygu
house - ev
affectionate - sevecen
girls - kızlar
bunch - demet
graders - greyder
something - bir şey
inside - içeride
sweetheart - bir tanem
backyard - arka bahçe
comfortable - rahat
never - asla
dinner - akşam yemegi
confusion - karışıklık
closest - En yakın
martini - Martini
happy - mutlu
perfect - Mükemmel
wheel - tekerlek
walking - yürüme
first - ilk
played - oyunun
without - olmadan
which - hangi
think - düşünmek
isaac - isaac
imagine - hayal etmek
would - olur
mommy - anne
mouths - ağızlar
talking - konuşma
about - hakkında
other - diğer
second - ikinci
getting - alma
loneliness - yalnızlık
pitch - zift
pansy - hercai menekşe
penis - Penis
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