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Öğrenmeye başla
The, uh...
The undergarments
that Barney Quill tore off.
Who has them now?
The police?
You mean my panties?
All right. Your panties.
l haven't seen them since.
l gave the torn skirt
and sweater to the police...
and then l went with them
up that lane into the woods
to look for
the panties, but...
we couldn't find
anything but my glasses.
Your glasses?
You mean you were wearing glasses
through all that?
No. l had them in a case
in my hand.
l wear them for reading,
playing pinball.
Things like that.
l must've tried to
get out of the car
and dropped them.
You, uh...
might be interested to know
that your lie detector test
turned out in your favor.
Of course it did.
l could've told you it would.
You weren't worried about it?
No. Why should l be?
Would you like to have
something to worry about?
Like your husband watching us
from his cell window?
All right.
All right. Let's have it.
Did he say something to you?
Just enough.
Are you afraid of him?
ls that why you volunteered
for a lie detector test?
- For him?
- Yeah.
Does he have reason
to be jealous?
Ηe was jealous
even before we were married.
l should have known
how it would be.
lt's funny though. He...
Ηe likes to show me off.
Ηe likes me to dress
the way l do.
And then he gets furious
if a man pays any
attention to me.
l've tried to leave him, but l can't.
Ηe begs, I give in.
If you think l've forgotten
my question, l haven't.
- l have.
- All right.
All right,
then l'll ask it again.
Does your husband
have any reason to be jealous?
Not once. Not ever.
would - olur
worry - endişelenmek
wearing - giyme
volunteered - gönüllü
leave - ayrılmak
known - bilinen
jealous - kıskanç
favor - iyilik
window - pencere
interested - ilgili
reason - neden
husband - koca
married - evli
forgotten - unutulmuş
enough - yeterli
police - Polis
though - gerçi
before - önce
watching - seyretme
afraid - korkmuş
since - dan beri
anything - her şey
playing - oynama
undergarments - iç çamaşırları
again - Tekrar
might - belki
attention - dikkat
question - soru
barney - barney
about - hakkında
funny - komik
detector - detektör
right - Sağ
furious - öfkeli
dropped - düştü
dress - elbise
silly - saçma
likes - seviyor
panties - külot
worried - endişeli
reading - okuma
quill - tüy
should - meli
turned - dönük
skirt - etek
woods - orman
something - bir şey
course - kurs
things - eşyalar
glasses - gözlük
pinball - langırt
think - düşünmek
sweater - kazak
through - vasitasiyla
tried - denenmiş
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