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Öğrenmeye başla
I've seen this before.
Sleigh fever, they call it.
Pressure of Christmas
sends a man doolally-tap.
Santa Claus XVI got it, 1802.
Every child that year got a sausage
nailed to a piece of bark.
Arthur, did you really think you can
row the Atlantic Ocean in the next
- 37 minutes?
- It's not... too late yet.
I just have to keep,
We need a blunt instrument.
Knock him out and regroup.
Make a legal U-turn,
then slight right in 4228 miles.
You do know
we're going round in circles?
You know, we're not the only ones.
Maybe I will see Evie again.
What do you mean?
Reindeer are
brave, powerful beasts
but they're also dappled cretins
with twigs on their heads.
They'll just keep going in a straight line
right round the world.
They'll be way up in the sky
flying at unimaginable speed,
but they'll pass right over our heads.
Great! We can get the sleigh back!
- Where is this UFO?
- It's circling the Earth, ma'am.
Nineteen minutes ago,
it went into orbit.
You? Up there?
Catch that with this?
Magic dust.
You crack it over your head.
You'll have to focus.
The sleigh'll be coming at you at
45,000 miles an hour.
You'll be torn
in half!
Depends on the angle the sleigh hits.
You might just get beheaded.
I've got a phobia of being beheaded,
and heights and speed and reindeer
and buttons.
Yeah, I'm pretty much scared
of everything.
Gwen thinks you're coming.
You can't do this. Yes, you can!
No, you can't. Yes, you can!
Come on, Arthur!
Don't worry, son. Only a raving lunatic--
I have to worry!
It's the only thing I'm good at!
Worry me.
The sleigh'll be back
any minute.
Come on. Worry me, quickly!
Imagine Gwen, all alone,
- nothing under the tree.
- Here we go.
No! Don't like this! Stop! Stop! Stop!
Tears as she finds
she's been left out.
Screaming, "Santa didn't come!"
Oh, Gwen.
No! It's just too high!
Gwen in the street surrounded
by kids on new bikes, pointing:
"That's the girl
that Santa hates!"
She runs away, alcoholic by the age of 9.
Dead before she's even...
She may never build
a snowman again!
What if there are buttons on the sleigh
I don't know about?!
Here it is!
How do you think he's...?
Fine, fine. Probably just...
worry - endişelenmek
where - nerede
unimaginable - düşünülemez
under - altında
there - Orada
tears - gözyaşı
street - sokak
straight - düz
snowman - kardan adam
sends - gönderir
sausage - sosis
santa - santa
thinks - düşünüyor
quickly - hızlı bir şekilde
regroup - yeniden toplamak
pretty - güzel
powerful - Güçlü
piece - parça
pointing - gösterme
orbit - yörünge
nineteen - on dokuz
never - asla
nailed - çivilenmiş
right - Sağ
minutes - dakika
minute - dakika
miles - mil
might - belki
phobia - fobi
maybe - olabilir
circles - çevreler
christmas - noel
dappled - benekli
catch - yakalamak
build - inşa etmek
sleigh - atlı kızak
screaming - bağıran
buttons - düğmeleri
brave - cesur
their - onların
cretins - kretinler
think - düşünmek
imagine - hayal etmek
thing - şey
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
being - olmak
raving - çılgın
probably - muhtemelen
claus - claus
alone - yalnız
flying - uçan
speed - hız
reindeer - ren geyiği
beheaded - kafası
again - Tekrar
everything - her şey
every - proszę uważać
coming - gelecek
instrument - enstrüman
about - hakkında
beasts - hayvanlar
circling - çember
round - yuvarlak
arthur - arthur
bikes - bisiklet
pressure - basınç
great - harika
angle - açı
lunatic - fou
before - önce
crack - çatlak
blunt - kör
depends - bağlıdır
twigs - Dallar
doolally - doolally
earth - toprak
scared - korkmuş
really - gerçekten mi
fever - ateş
slight - hafif
ocean - okyanus
atlantic - Atlantik
finds - buluntular
alcoholic - alkollü
child - çocuk
focus - Odak
magic - Sihirli
going - gidiş
heads - kafalar
hates - kinler
world - Dünya
heights - yükseklikleri
knock - vurmak
surrounded - çevrili
legal - yasal
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