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Öğrenmeye başla
Nancy was your best friend?
Yeah, she was my best friend.
How has Danny been?
Pretty shattered.
Nothing terrible
has ever happened to him before.
Danny was the last one at the house
that night.
That's why Mr. Dewey
keeps interviewing him.
They don't think
that he had anything to do with it.
It's just to see
if he remembers anything unusual.
People in town do seem to wonder
if he was involved.
Yeah. That's been really hard for Danny.
Oh, it's the hardest
when someone has a notion about you...
and it's impossible
to convince them otherwise.
Maybe since I was a child,
folks have thought they had me pegged
because of the way I....
The way I am.
You know, the way I talk.
And they're always wrong.
You know what I mean?
I wanna show you something.
Maybe this will give you a better picture
of what happened.
- What is this?
- It's your diary.
Danny here tonight and we watched TV.
So nice just having him sit with us.
Left at 11.
P.S. He's the only one I really love.
And that was that.
wrong - Yanlış
watched - izledi
tonight - Bu gece
thought - düşünce
someone - Birisi
shattered - paramparça
pretty - güzel
people - insanlar
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
terrible - korkunç
nancy - nancy
child - çocuk
wanna - istiyorum
danny - danny
before - önce
otherwise - aksi takdirde
about - hakkında
wonder - merak etmek
house - ev
happened - olmuş
anything - her şey
night - gece
always - Her zaman
unusual - olağandışı
picture - resim
dewey - dewey
because - Çünkü
remembers - hatırlar
diary - günlük
think - düşünmek
something - bir şey
folks - arkadaşlar
hardest - en zor
really - gerçekten mi
having - sahip olan
interviewing - görüşme
since - dan beri
notion - kavram
convince - ikna etmek
involved - ilgili
better - Daha iyi
keeps - tutar
pegged - sabitleştirilmiş
friend - arkadaş
impossible - imkansız
maybe - olabilir
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