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Öğrenmeye başla
It's not about what you do.
It's not about your deeds.
You can't live up to God's rules.
He knows that you can't.
It's Ok, we're imperfect.
Make way, sir.
I said make way!
The new Quesalupa from Taco Bell!
Get it with chicken!
Get it with steak!
That with the cheese baked
right in the shell,
it's the next big thing!
Go now while supplies last.
Who are you?
You know who I am.
You're the man who puts me to sleep.
- We both could use some sleep.
- No! No!
What are you doing to me?
Come on.
How long have I been here?
What are these?
You remember what they are.
The shots mellow the seizures.
The pills keep them from happening.
How about you blow on them
to make them safe?
Fuck off, Logan.
So, you remember who I am now.
I always know who you are.
It's just sometimes I don't recognize you.
Take the pills.
You leave me alone
with that fucking albino.
He doesn't listen to me.
- I know a damn speciation when I see one.
- A what?
New mutant, a young one.
- There are forces trying to kill...
- Forces?
- They wanna help.
- Forces, forces.
It's too bad you're not
in that business anymore.
They don't want me,
they want you.
Oh yes,
that's how fucking stupid they are.
young - genç
while - süre
wanna - istiyorum
thing - şey
these - bunlar
there - Orada
supplies - gereçler
steak - biftek
shots - çekim
rules - kurallar
quesalupa - quesalupa
pills - haplar
shell - Kabuk
mutant - mutant
leave - ayrılmak
trying - çalışıyor
forces - güçler
seizures - nöbetler
remember - hatırlamak
chicken - tavuk
happening - olay
sleep - uyku
baked - pişmiş
anymore - Artık
speciation - türleşmenin
sometimes - ara sıra
cheese - Peynir
mellow - yumuşak
imperfect - ben mükemmelim
about - hakkında
albino - albino
recognize - tanımak
charles - charles
always - Her zaman
alone - yalnız
could - could
fucking - kahrolası
deeds - işler
stupid - aptal
doing - iş
right - Sağ
knows - bilir
listen - dinlemek
business - iş
logan - logan
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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