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Öğrenmeye başla
The killer is a traveler.
We found a little boy
10 minutes' walk from the track.
I'm thinking how else could he get here
if it was not for train?
And then the boy in Moscow.
This boy in Moscow is the son
of a very good friend of mine.
My brother.
I was sent to his house
to read official report.
I had to tell his family
that his son died of tragic accident.
And I lied.
So I'm thinking, how many
more children have to die?
Get swept under the carpet.
Covered up by party dogs like you and I.
And their blood is on our hands.
And this animal, he will not stop killing.
This will not stop. He will
keep killing.
What do you want?
Me? I would like to stop him.
A ghost.
Ghost? No, it's not ghost.
Describe him to me then.
I can't.
I can't describe him, but
there is a witness.
I must go back to Moscow
and speak with her.
And you must gather the records
of all dead children
from Moscow to, to Leningrad.
Me? And why would I
do that for you?
Inessa, your boys,
do they walk to school by themselves?
Normally, yes.
But this week, with those poor children,
either myself or he
And from here
to school, it seemed
the shortest way is through the forest.
Is that the way they go?
But again, this week,
the way through town seems safer.
Yes, of course.
But now... now that the
killer has been caught,
will they be going through the forest
by themselves tomorrow as usual?
would - olur
witness - Tanık
under - altında
traveler - gezgin
train - Tren
tragic - trajik
track - iz
tomorrow - Yarın
usual - olağan
house - ev
ghost - hayalet
shortest - en kısa
gather - toplamak
found - bulunan
myself - kendim
forest - orman
either - ya
describe - tanımlamak
covered - kapalı
children - çocuklar
course - kurs
seems - görünüyor
going - gidiş
speak - konuşmak
blood - kan
again - Tekrar
hands - eller
moscow - Moskova
accident - kaza
carpet - halı
could - could
usually - genellikle
through - vasitasiyla
family - Aile
little - küçük
official - resmi
caught - yakalandı
inessa - inessa
report - rapor
killer - katil
records - kayıtlar
killing - öldürme
leningrad - Leningrad
friend - arkadaş
normally - normalde
party - parti
safer - daha güvenli
seemed - gibiydi
animal - hayvan
school - okul
there - Orada
swept - süpürüldü
brother - erkek kardeş
themselves - kendilerini
thinking - düşünme
their - onların
those - bu
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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