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Öğrenmeye başla
Are you looking for this?
There must be quite a
story to go with it.
Won't you tell me? No?
All right then.
I shall tell you a story.
Once upon a time,
there was a beautiful young girl
who married for love.
And she had two loving daughters.
All was well.
But, one day, her husband,
the light of her life, died.
The next time, she married for
the sake of her daughters.
But that man, too, was taken from her.
And she was doomed to look
every day upon his beloved child.
She had hoped to marry off
one of her beautiful,
stupid daughters to the prince.
But his head was turned
by a girl with glass slippers.
And so, I lived
unhappily ever after.
My story would appear to be ended.
Now, tell me yours.
Did you steal it?
It was given to me.
Given to you?
Given to you. Nothing is ever given.
For everything, we must pay and pay.
That's not true.
Kindness is free. Love is free.
Love is not free.
Now, here is how you will pay me,
if you are to have what you desire.
No one will believe you,
a dirty servant girl without a family,
if you lay claim to the prince's heart.
But with a respectable gentlewoman
to put you forward,
you will not be ignored.
When you are married,
you will make me
the head of the royal household.
Anastasia and Drisella
we will pair off with wealthy lords.
And I shall manage that boy.
But he's not a boy.
And who are you?
How would you rule a kingdom?
Best to leave it to me.
That way we all get what we want.
I was not able to protect
my father from you,
but I will protect the prince
and the kingdom,
no matter what becomes of me.
Well, that is a mistake.
Why are you so cruel?
I don't understand it.
I've tried to be kind to you.
- You? Kind to me?
- Yes.
And though no one deserves to be
treated as you have treated me.
Why do you do it?
Because you are young, and
innocent, and good. And I...
young - genç
would - olur
unhappily - maalesef
turned - dönük
tried - denenmiş
treated - işlenmiş
though - gerçi
yours - seninki
there - Orada
stupid - aptal
shall - -acak
respectable - saygın
quite - oldukça
family - Aile
doomed - ölüme mahkum
husband - koca
married - evli
ended - bitti
daughters - kız çocukları
cruel - acımasız
desire - arzu etmek
leave - ayrılmak
deserves - hak
without - olmadan
royal - royal
claim - i̇ddia
becomes - olur
hoped - ümit
steal - çalmak
slippers - terlik
appear - görünmek
everything - her şey
because - Çünkü
every - proszę uważać
drisella - drisella
marry - evlenmek
prince - prens
after - sonra
beloved - sevgili
heart - kalp
understand - anlama
household - ev halkı
child - çocuk
manage - yönetmek
loving - seven
story - öykü
anastasia - anastasia
wealthy - zengin
beautiful - güzel
father - baba
believe - inanmak
forward - ileri
dirty - kirli
gentlewoman - hanımefendi
kingdom - krallık
given - verilmiş
glass - bardak
ignored - ihmal
right - Sağ
innocent - masum
kindness - iyilik
servant - hizmetçi
lived - yaşamış
light - ışık
taken - alınmış
looking - seyir
lords - lordlar
matter - madde
protect - korumak
mistake - hata
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
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