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Öğrenmeye başla
Good morning, gang!
It smells yummy!
Our real dad's a super,
super-duper good cook!
Here you go, guys.
Yeah, it looks an awful
lot like Cinnabon.
Well, thank you, Brad.
What a nice thing to say.
It tastes exactly like Cinnabon!
In fact, same shape,
same swirl, same frosting.
Now you're starting to embarrass me,
but I do appreciate the compliment.
Good morning, Sar-bear!
- Morning.
- Hey, listen, guys,
Brad and I had a talk last night
about the importance of family.
And now that everyone's here,
I wanted to say a few words, okay?
I think that would be great.
Hey, kids, you know, families can be
ever-growing and changing things.
And sometimes someone new
knocks on the door of your heart
and you're not sure if you
have room in there for one more.
But there's someone here now
that I hope you guys can learn to love.
Come here, boy!
A doggy! Yay!
You brought a dog home?
Yeah. Is that a problem?
I mean, you seemed
really into it while I was teeing it up.
No, I thought you were talking about me.
- Oh, but you're not a dog, Brad.
- No...
Look, last night, when we talked...
Oh, yeah. Well, listen,
that's-that's got to happen organically.
Why can't it happen now?
It just can't.
Dusty, how old is that thing?
I'd guess him to be around 15.
I mean, I found him this morning,
living in a storm drain.
I named him Tumor,
because of how much he grows on you.
Mommy, can
we keep Tumor, please?
Oh, I'm gonna leave this one up to Brad.
Please, Brad! Please!
Why is he looking at me like that?
He's only looking at me.
Maybe we just get a puppy instead?
A puppy, Brad? What are they
going to learn from a puppy?
An old dog like Tumor here's
been out in the world, man. Living free.
Fighting for survival and seeing things
we can only dream of.
Just look at the wisdom
in those cloudy eyes.
Besides, you know what happens
to old dogs at shelters.
He's gonna have to walk the green mile
as soon as he gets there.
No, Brad, no! Don't kill our dog!
I hate you!
Okay. Okay. Fine.
He can live out his few
remaining weeks with us.
Yay! Thanks, Brad.
I don't hate you anymore.
He's going potty!
Oh, my God.
We'll clean it up. We don't mind.
Look at that.
The dog's already
teaching them responsibility.
Hey, guys, when you gonna
pick up the potty, you gotta use gloves.
He's definitely got worms in his poo.
yummy - nefis
worms - kurt
words - kelimeler
weeks - haftalar
while - süre
those - bu
think - düşünmek
things - eşyalar
there - Orada
thanks - teşekkürler
teeing - teeing
tastes - tadı
storm - fırtına
smells - kokuyor
shape - şekil
seemed - gibiydi
thank - teşekkür
seeing - görme
responsibility - sorumluluk
potty - lazımlık
super - süper
night - gece
wisdom - bilgelik
organically - organik olarak
morning - sabah
maybe - olabilir
looks - görünüyor
would - olur
mommy - anne
exactly - kesinlikle
dusty - tozlu
duper - kandırılan
world - Dünya
dream - rüya
tumor - tümör
drain - akıtmak
embarrass - utandırmak
definitely - Kesinlikle
named - adlı
compliment - iltifat
wanted - aranan
going - gidiş
gonna - olacak
appreciate - anlamak
someone - Birisi
growing - büyüyen
talking - konuşma
about - hakkında
teaching - öğretim
shelters - barınaklar
around - etrafında
instead - yerine
please - lütfen
cloudy - bulutlu
awful - korkunç
puppy - köpek yavrusu
heart - kalp
talked - konuştuk
because - Çünkü
survival - hayatta kalma
remaining - kalan
leave - ayrılmak
already - zaten
happen - olmak
besides - dışında
thought - düşünce
cinnabon - Cinnabon
brought - getirdi
starting - Başlangıç
anymore - Artık
changing - değiştirme
families - aileleri
family - Aile
clean - temiz
fighting - kavga
gotta - lazım
thing - şey
frosting - buzlu yüz
sometimes - ara sıra
learn - öğrenmek
gloves - eldiven
great - harika
swirl - girdap
really - gerçekten mi
green - yeşil
looking - seyir
found - bulunan
guess - tahmin
happens - olur
doggy - köpek
grows - büyür
importance - önem
problem - Sorun
knocks - darbelere
listen - dinlemek
living - yaşam
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