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Öğrenmeye başla
- So what's the gig?
- The gig?
It's a friend of mine. Armenian dude.
Former friend, actually.
Used to be a deputy DA
prosecuting drug cases.
So he got sick of watching
himself go poor
while his clients went rich,
so he switched sides,
buys himself a big ole
house in Brantlow,
got a little puss on the side.
He's a squirrely guy,
but now he has a problem.
He needs some money
the wife don't know about.
So, get this, he's setting up
his former clients for rip-offs.
You'd like him,
he's your kind of guy, Troy.
Who is the client?
That'd be a monkey out of East Cleveland,
calls himself Moon Man.
They used to call him Balloon Head
till he got so much money
now they just call him Guard.
He likes to play the fool.
He says to my friend, the Armenian,
he says, "Hey, Mr. Cracker."
He talks like that, says, "Mr. Cracker,
if you're so smart and I'm so dumb,
why I got five million
and you workin' for me?"
He buys himself a house
up in Rocky River.
Big ole gaudy thing,
and it needs renovatin'.
You know that part of Cleveland?
Dude, I know all of C-town,
better than anybody.
He's got a 300-pound fool
he calls a bouncer.
He likes to drive a Beamer seven.
But not in the hood.
So he's got four, five little junker cars.
You know, switch 'em one place,
one or the other,
- you know how they do that.
- Oh, yeah.
But, this is where you come in,
so you gotta find
where he keeps his stash.
Get us some cop uniforms?
I can help with that, yeah.
Gonna need three.
where - nerede
watching - seyretme
while - süre
three - üç
thing - şey
talks - Görüşmeler
switch - şalter
friend - arkadaş
armenian - Ermeni
cracker - kraker
calls - aramalar
gaudy - şatafatlı
deputy - milletvekili
better - Daha iyi
keeps - tutar
stash - saklamak
gotta - lazım
switched - anahtarlamalı
drive - sürücü
beamer - ışınlayıcıdan
anybody - kimse
former - eski
actually - aslında
client - müşteri
million - milyon
brantlow - brantlow
uniforms - üniformalar
balloon - balon
pound - pound
bouncer - fedai
monkey - maymun
cleveland - cleveland
guard - bekçi
himself - kendisi
setting - ayar
house - ev
about - hakkında
other - diğer
junker - junker
likes - seviyor
clients - istemciler
little - küçük
money - para
needs - ihtiyaçlar
place - yer
problem - Sorun
gonna - olacak
prosecuting - kovuşturulması
cases - vakalar
river - Nehir
rocky - kayalık
seven - yedi
sides - taraf
smart - akıllı
squirrely - squirrely
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