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Öğrenmeye başla
My name is
Nikita Sergeyevich Khrushchev.
I've come to take things in hand here.
This city is not Kursk,
nor is it Kiev, nor Minsk.
This city is Stalingrad.
This city bears the
name of the boss.
It's more than a
city, it's a symbol.
If the Germans capture this city,
the entire country will collapse.
Now, I want our boys
to raise their heads.
I want them to act like they have balls.
I want them to stop shitting their pants.
That's your job.
As political officers,
I'm counting on you.
You, what's your suggestion?
Shoot all the other
generals who have retreated
and their chiefs of staff, too.
Make some examples.
Deport the families of the...
Give them hope.
Here, the men's only choice
is between German bullets and ours.
But there's another way,
a way of courage.
A way of love of the motherland.
We must publish the army newspaper
again, we must tell magnificent stories,
stories that exalt sacrifice, bravery.
We must make them believe
in a victory.
We must give them hope, pride,
a desire to fight.
Yes. We need to make examples,
but examples to follow.
their - onların
suggestion - öneri
stories - hikayeleri
fight - kavga
deport - dışlamak
entire - Tüm
choice - seçim
examples - örnekler
shitting - shitting
heads - kafalar
desire - arzu etmek
another - bir diğeri
balls - taşaklar
families - aileleri
again - Tekrar
bravery - cesaret
symbol - sembol
chiefs - şefleri
victory - zafer
things - eşyalar
follow - takip et
publish - yayınla
country - ülke
exalt - heyecanlandırmak
believe - inanmak
pride - gurur
staff - personel
counting - sayma
between - arasında
stalingrad - stalingrad
generals - generaller
pants - pantolon
bullets - mermiler
courage - cesaret
german - almanca
germans - Almanlar
khrushchev - Kruşçev
kursk - kursk
officers - görevlileri
minsk - minsk
raise - yükseltmek
motherland - vatan
newspaper - gazete
nikita - nikita
capture - ele geçirmek
sergeyevich - sergeyevich
other - diğer
retreated - geri çekildi
magnificent - muhteşem
political - siyasi
collapse - çöküş
bears - ayılar
shoot - ateş etme
sacrifice - kurban
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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