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Öğrenmeye başla
This is Paleolithic.
And... this is Paleolithic.
I have an extensive collection
which the Council is
very welcome to see,
having made Prehistory
my study for several years.
I realise that this is a... a profoundly
shocking discovery.
Or an absurd mistake
which will make us Cantabrians
the laughing stock throughout the world.
May I ask, sir, how you would account
for the paintings?
They are the work
of runaway slaves
when this was a Roman province
two thousand years ago.
No doubt these beasts
were still prevalent
in their barbarian homeland.
Not one shred of evidence
to support that.
There's nothing in the cave
less than ten thousand years old.
Nothing that you have presented,
but how can we be sure?
Do you think I would
distort the evidence?
I know what we are suggesting
appears extraordinary
but these are the facts.
That's monkeys with paintbrushes!
We believe that if the cave
is properly cared for,
the international experts
we have invited to see the paintings
will share our view
that this discovery,
in our province,
is of enormous significance
in the History of Mankind.
world - Dünya
welcome - hoşgeldiniz
throughout - boyunca
which - hangi
think - düşünmek
their - onların
would - olur
suggesting - düşündüren
study - ders çalışma
stock - stok
still - yine
history - tarih
slaves - köle
enormous - muazzam
extensive - kapsamlı, geniş
doubt - şüphe
barbarian - barbar
roman - Roma
distort - çarpıtmak
properly - uygun şekilde
discovery - keşif
invited - davet
shred - paçavra
collection - toplamak
certainly - kesinlikle
these - bunlar
significance - önem
realise - gerçekleştirmek
council - konsey
having - sahip olan
cared - bakım
cantabrians - cantabrians
thousand - bin
absurd - saçma
beasts - hayvanlar
believe - inanmak
runaway - kaçmak
experts - Uzmanlar
homeland - vatan
years - Yıl
account - hesap
international - uluslararası
province - il
laughing - gülme
appears - belirir
extraordinary - olağanüstü
prehistory - tarih öncesi
facts - gerçekler
mankind - insanlık
mistake - hata
monkeys - maymunlar
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
evidence - kanıt
paintbrushes - boya fırçaları
profoundly - derinden
paintings - resimlerinde
support - destek
paleolithic - yontma taş devri
presented - sunulan
several - Birkaç
prevalent - yaygın
share - pay
shocking - şok edici
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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