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Öğrenmeye başla
You ghosts, suck.
You cannot make your
shit visible.
You do suck.
You probably died because
no one loved you.
Well, one person loved you
but then...
But then she was abducted
and then you...
You realized...
Well, no one would care
if I was gone.
So, why even take up space on
the earth anymore?
How come you work
at Micro Center?
You graduated with a
degree in engineering
in two years. That's
pretty impressive.
Shouldn't you be doing
research at MIT or something?
Yeah, I mean, sure.
That could have been my path.
I thought I'd get some experience
first, you know, in consumer electronics.
And then, you know... I could focus on,
commercial engineering.
Invent the next
blu-ray, Ethernet.
Look at that, the tape is out.
You know. we should probably get
back to the shack, switch it out.
You go.
I'll stay here...
try to tune into
these energies.
If you need to consume
human life, take mine.
Good luck with that.
visible - gözle görülür
these - bunlar
something - bir şey
research - Araştırma
realized - gerçekleştirilen
shack - kulübe
probably - muhtemelen
space - uzay
person - kişi
invent - icat etmek
commercial - Ticari
years - Yıl
thought - düşünce
micro - mikro
earth - toprak
pretty - güzel
impressive - etkileyici
abducted - kaçırılan
degree - derece
electronics - elektronik
would - olur
consume - tüketmek
should - meli
anymore - Artık
because - Çünkü
engineering - mühendislik
energies - enerjileri
could - could
cannot - yapamam
focus - Odak
switch - şalter
center - merkez
ethernet - ethernet
loved - sevilen
graduated - mezun
experience - deneyim
first - ilk
doing - iş
ghosts - hayaletler
consumer - tüketici
human - insan
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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