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Öğrenmeye başla
Julia, you needed to see me? Oh, shit.
- Will you have a seat, Dale?
- Do I have to?
- Please.
- Sure.
This is a little ridiculous, but...
Look, Dale, you
know, I...
I know that I like to fool
around at work. Right?
And I might even. You know,
I might even cross the line a bit.
But the last thing that I wanna do
is-is make you uncomfortable.
I mean, it's just...
it's just not professional. You know?
And I pride myself
on being a professional.
So from now on, what
I would like you to do is just...
is just tell me, you know... when
and if, I cross the line. Okay?
- Okay. Now.
- What?
Well, now,
you're kind of crossing a line...
...because you're naked.
Not naked, Dale.
Can you see my pussy?
But I think, even really
saying the word "pussy" is--
- That's crossing the line?
- Little bit.
You're starting to sound like
a little faggot there, Dale.
There we go. That one's another one,
probably illegal thing to say too.
Let's not talk about illegal,
Mr. I-Like-To-Pee-On-Little-Boys.
It was an empty playground
in the middle of the night.
That's even weirder. That poor child
must have been terrified.
There were no children.
No kids in the park.
You know what? Forget it.
let's just cut to the chase,
all right, mister?
- You're engaged now.
- Right.
And I respect the institution of
marriage way too much to violate it.
So that's why you're gonna have to
fuck me well before the wedding.
Because the closer
we get to this date,
the less ladylike I'm
gonna feel about it.
Julia, I'm not gonna sleep with you.
We'll see about that.
Get out.
Could you do the...?
would - olur
wanna - istiyorum
think - düşünmek
there - Orada
terrified - korkmuş
ladylike - kadınsı
julia - julia
listen - dinlemek
illegal - yasadışı
forget - unutmak
respect - saygı
saying - söz
around - etrafında
faggot - ibne
might - belki
playground - oyun alanı
violate - ihlal etmek
cross - çapraz
engaged - nişanlı
could - could
another - bir diğeri
wedding - Düğün
before - önce
thing - şey
being - olmak
institution - kurum
closer - yakın
chase - kovalamak
child - çocuk
marriage - evlilik
empty - Boş
middle - orta
mister - bay
because - Çünkü
myself - kendim
children - çocuklar
naked - çıplak
ridiculous - gülünç
needed - gerekli
weirder - daha garip
about - hakkında
sound - ses
uncomfortable - rahatsız
night - gece
professional - profesyonel
please - lütfen
little - küçük
pride - gurur
pussy - kedi
probably - muhtemelen
really - gerçekten mi
crossing - geçit
right - Sağ
gonna - olacak
sleep - uyku
starting - Başlangıç
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