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Öğrenmeye başla
Why are we doing this?
You'd rather be listening
to those putrid new songs?
What happened to Michael Row
Your Corpse Ashore?
Or Old McWerewolf Had An Axe?
We shouldn't be up here, Drac.
- Who's ready to fly?
- Me! Me! Like a superhero.
Better! Like a vampire!
This thing is rickety.
You know, maybe the kid isn't
supposed to fly.
Quiet. This is how they learn.
You throw them and they figure it out.
- It's how I was taught.
- I wanna fly now!
Attabat. You know Papa's
right here if you need him.
- I can't watch this.
- Please don't.
Here we go!
- He's still not flying.
- He will.
- Still not.
- It'll happen.
- This is a tall tower.
- That's why it's good.
- You should get him.
- He's gonna fall to his death.
He's taking his time.
- Drac!
- I did that my first time.
He's getting too close to the ground!
You know what? He's not gonna fly.
I told you. Papa's always here for you.
Again! Again!
Oh, dear. Oh, my devil.
We're gonna have to report this.
You mean to the papers?
I guess it was pretty cool, but...
- I'm not about getting press.
- No, sir. I mean the authorities.
I can't not report child endangerment.
Listen to me. That was fun.
Your singing is child endangerment.
Should we go down and help him?
Nope. I told him this was nuts.
He's on his own.
- We have to call the boy's mother.
- No, that ain't happening.
His mother's already nutsy koo koo!
I have to follow protocol.
You will not follow protocol.
I'm a vampire. I can't be hypnotized.
- Right.
- Now, please.
- Don't make me call the police.
- No one's calling nobody!
- Are we bad guys, Papa Drac?
- Bad?
No. You're the best kid in the world.
We didn't start the fire.
It was the tower.
That's a very unsafe tower.
You're lucky we don't call the authorities.
Let's go, my hero.
world - Dünya
watch - izlemek
vampire - vampir
unsafe - emniyetsiz
those - bu
tower - kule
thing - şey
supposed - sözde
superhero - süper kahraman
still - yine
start - başlama
songs - şarkılar
singing - şan
right - Sağ
ready - hazır
rather - daha doğrusu
gonna - olacak
figure - şekil
devil - şeytan
endangerment - tehlike
mcwerewolf - mcwerewolf
corpse - Ceset
listen - dinlemek
doing - iş
flying - uçan
throw - atmak
press - basın
close - kapat
taking - alma
police - Polis
lucky - şanslı
follow - takip et
about - hakkında
hypnotized - hipnotize edilmiş
attabat - attabat
child - çocuk
should - meli
ground - Zemin
listening - dinleme
calling - çağrı
rickety - cılız
getting - alma
better - Daha iyi
always - Her zaman
ashore - karaya
guess - tahmin
wanna - istiyorum
first - ilk
taught - öğretilen
report - rapor
happening - olay
authorities - yetkililer
happened - olmuş
mother - anne
please - lütfen
death - ölüm
again - Tekrar
nobody - kimse
learn - öğrenmek
maybe - olabilir
michael - michael
already - zaten
happen - olmak
nutsy - nutsy
papers - kâğıtlar
pretty - güzel
putrid - kokuşmuş
protocol - protokol
quiet - sessiz
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