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Öğrenmeye başla
Are you George?
I'm Lisa.
- Very good of you to join me.
- Yeah.
How you doing?
How are you doing?
I'm great.
- Yeah?
- Yep.
Well, treasure it.
You okay?
No. I'm sorry,
I'm not even aware that...
I have to apologize. This might not
be the best first impression.
I.... I had...
an unusual 24 hours.
Okay. Well, the bad days
make the good ones better.
So don't worry about it.
Is this an Italian restaurant?
Yes, it is. It's a very good one.
Oh, yeah, it looks good.
- Let's get a drink. Excuse me.
- None for me.
You know what? You're right.
I shouldn't drink.
- Don't let me stop you.
- No, no.
Believe me, drinking too much
two nights in a row could be a real mistake.
Well, I haven't had anything since
lunch yesterday, so I'm starving.
You don't drink at all?
- I follow my father's rule on drinking.
- Which is?
Never drink to feel better.
Only drink to feel even better.
That's fantastic.
Yep. It's a good one.
That's great.
But, you know, sometimes I think that... drink can give you
a little better perspective.
Well, not for me.
But I guess it depends on the person.
Look, if you wanna have a drink,
you should just have a drink.
But keeping talking about it,
you know...
If I want a drink, I'll order a drink.
Do you know
I don't know you?
I'm sorry. I... I
'm not good today.
worry - endişelenmek
guess - tahmin
drink - içki
italian - İtalyan
george - George
believe - inanmak
might - belki
aware - farkında
unusual - olağandışı
excuse - bahane
drinking - içme
anything - her şey
keeping - koruma
lunch - öğle yemeği
hours - saatler
great - harika
apologize - özür dilemek
depends - bağlıdır
follow - takip et
starving - çok aç
doing - iş
better - Daha iyi
today - bugün
never - asla
little - küçük
nights - gece
should - meli
order - sipariş
person - kişi
impression - izlenim
mistake - hata
perspective - perspektif
fantastic - fantastik
think - düşünmek
which - hangi
sorry - afedersiniz
restaurant - Restoran
right - Sağ
could - could
looks - görünüyor
since - dan beri
sometimes - ara sıra
about - hakkında
talking - konuşma
yesterday - Dün
first - ilk
wanna - istiyorum
treasure - hazine
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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