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Öğrenmeye başla
l'll get loopy from standing...
and breathing in this human....
You know what this is, right?
This is the nastiest place
in all of Hungary.
Are you feeling loopy?
You look a little loopy.
Yes. lt feels kind of dizzy.
l got a buzz.
Where'd you grow up?
Hey, man, no offense...
but l ain't one of those
guys that, you know...
...start pouring his heart out...
and get real personal
with another guy, so... save it for somebody else.
My grandmother raised me.
My grandmother.
No kidding?
She's the one
that put the time in me, you know.
The day-to-day, you know,
feeding, and, you know...
Sounds like a sweet woman.
Sweet! The sweetest thing
you ever wanna meet.
My grandmother is...
the first person ever
punched me in the face.
None of that hard shit,
a jab, y'know, just to let
me know she was serious.
Parents don't take the time anymore.
No, that's love, you know.
l mean, only...
You got to love somebody's baby
to punch a baby in the face.
Kelly Robinson was just
a scared little boy.
That's all.
Just a scared little boy.
Keep going. Keep digging.
l mean, l put on a show,
but inside, man, lots
of time l be crying.
You ready for a bomb?
Tell me.
You and l are basically
the same guy.
Take away the boxing,
take away the money...
Take away my money?
lt's a metaphor.
Take away all your women.
Take away all the trappings
of success.
And you and l
are the same guy.
Yeah, l know. l know.
l'm you.
No, l'm you.
- Yeah, that's what l mean.
We... We're twins.
Oh, l've got a crush
on Rachel for years.
l just love her power.
And sexy and... You saw
the way she threw me over.
You know, it was just
like l was nothing.
Just a powerful woman.
You know what? Y'know, l'll
tell you what.
lf you feel that way
about a girl...
...then you gotta do something,
you got to act on it.
Can you see how it is
when l try to talk to her?
No, man! You gotta do...
- Fumbling over myself...
l see, but you need
to change all that.
Be honest with me.
We're in the sewer.
Hey, l ain't gonna lie to you.
l don't have the savoir-faire,
that devilish charm.
l've seen you,
and l don't have that.
- l beg to differ.
No, l'm not gonna sit here
and listen to your...
Bust it, bust it.
You do have savoir-faire.
You just have to unleash it.
Unleash it.
Unleash your savoir-faire.
l don't know.
You know, if you forget
that this is a sewer,
it's kind of a beautiful place.
years - Yıl
unleash - salmak
trappings - ziynet
threw - attı
sweetest - tatlı
those - bu
success - başarı
standing - ayakta
serious - Ciddi
scared - korkmuş
start - başlama
raised - kalkık
robinson - robinson
rachel - rachel
punch - yumruk
sewer - lağım
powerful - Güçlü
ready - hazır
power - Güç
pouring - dökme
forget - unutmak
twins - ikizler
feels - hissediyor
right - Sağ
feeling - duygu
women - kadınlar
nastiest - kötüsüydü
dizzy - sersemlemiş
sweet - tatlı
feeding - besleme
fumbling - beceriksiz
thing - şey
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
differ - farklılık
personal - kişisel
place - yer
another - bir diğeri
angel - melek
punched - delikli
crying - ağlayan
boxing - boks
honest - Dürüst
wanna - istiyorum
first - ilk
digging - kazma
about - hakkında
beautiful - güzel
faire - faire
basically - temel olarak
woman - kadın
breathing - nefes
change - değişiklik
savoir - savoir
going - gidiş
gonna - olacak
crush - ezme
parents - ebeveyn
listen - dinlemek
gotta - lazım
hungary - Macaristan
myself - kendim
grandmother - büyükanne
heart - kalp
human - insan
something - bir şey
anymore - Artık
inside - içeride
kelly - kelly
loopy - loopy
kidding - dalga geçmek
sounds - sesleri
devilish - şeytani
little - küçük
somebody - birisi
charm - çekicilik
metaphor - mecaz
money - para
offense - suç
person - kişi
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