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Öğrenmeye başla
Ladies and gentlemen
of the press,
as you know, the first attempt to
send a spaceship to the planet Mars
was made 6 months ago.
We knew that that ship,
the Challenge 141,
had reached its destination.
But that's all we knew.
Teleradio communication
with Mars ceased immediately.
And we were forced to assume
that the ship and
crew had been lost.
The man in charge
of this expedition
was a man who had become
known to the world
as the first man
to be shot into space.
The man who pioneered
interplanetary space travel.
Col. Edward Carruthers.
2 months ago, we sent
a second ship to Mars
to learn the fate of
Col. Carruthers and his crew.
The president has asked me
to pass on to you
this significant news.
Col. Edward Carruthers
has been found alive on Mars.
But there is a tragic side
to this history-making event.
Col. Carruthers was
the sole survivor
of this first expedition.
1 hour ago, we received a
teleradio communication
from Col. Van Heusen,
commander of the
second spaceship.
This ship is now
ready to take off
for its return trip to
the Earth from Mars.
And Col. Carruthers
is being brought back
for a court-martial
to face trial for the murders
of the rest of the crew.
world - Dünya
there - Orada
teleradio - Teleradio
forced - zorunlu
expedition - sefer
learn - öğrenmek
court - Mahkeme
known - bilinen
edward - edward
being - olmak
communication - iletişim
tragic - trajik
carruthers - Carruthers
found - bulunan
president - devlet başkanı
first - ilk
commander - komutan
charge - şarj etmek
trial - deneme
attempt - girişim
asked - diye sordu
challenge - meydan okuma
survivor - hayatta kalan
become - olmak
spaceship - uzay gemisi
event - olay
destination - hedef
ceased - sona
significant - önemli
ready - hazır
earth - toprak
history - tarih
martial - askeri
space - uzay
immediately - hemen
interplanetary - interplanetarisch
second - ikinci
making - yapma
gentlemen - beyler
alive - canlı
months - ay
murders - Cinayetler
received - Alınan
travel - seyahat
pioneered - öncülük
assume - üstlenmek
planet - gezegen
brought - getirdi
ladies - kadınlar
press - basın
reached - ulaştı
return - dönüş
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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