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Öğrenmeye başla
Come on. You know the routine.
You're caught.
You owe me three wishes.
Morty, we got to go get Bridget now.
I know what I'm doing.
I want my three wishes.
Three wishes? Morty.
No. You're screwing it all up.
Don't worry about it.
We'll all get what we want.
- Open this door.
- Not yet.
Not till I get my wishes.
Now, I could ask you
for a million dollars.
Even a billion dollars, but no.
What I think I would like
is your crummy pot of gold.
Morty. God! Stop it!
You hear me in there?
I want your gold.
Morty, don't do it.
Let me out of here.
Oh. It's a
greedy man I'm dealing with.
- Don't.
- Are you sure you want it?
Oh, I'm sure. My first
wish is for your gold.
So be it.
- Where is it?
- Oh, it's coming.
Get it out. Get it out of me.
Oh, God. Morty! Morty, no!
Get it out. Get it out of me.
I could do it, but you
have to let me out of the safe first.
Do you wish me out of the safe?
Yes, God damn it.
I wish you out of the safe.
Where the hell are you?
You'll have to open
the door. It's wrought iron, remember?
Didn't you read the book?
Stop it, Morty!
Morty, stop it!
Your second wish has been granted.
Get it out. Get it out!
Ah! You see,
you shouldn't be so greedy.
Get it out of me! Get it out!
So, uh, is that your wish?
Yes, yes, yes.
I wish you to get it out of me.
Very well.
Morty, no!
I missed you.
would - olur
worry - endişelenmek
wishes - dilek
where - nerede
three - üç
crummy - köhne
screwing - vidalama
dealing - muamele
could - could
billion - milyar
think - düşünmek
coming - gelecek
bridget - bridget
about - hakkında
doing - iş
wrought - dövme
dollars - dolar
caught - yakalandı
first - ilk
remember - hatırlamak
granted - verilmiş
million - milyon
greedy - açgözlü
missed - cevapsız
morty - morty
second - ikinci
routine - Rutin
there - Orada
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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