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Öğrenmeye başla
Professor, my cells are reproducing
at a phenomenal speed.
Several million per second.
I'm having trouble precisely
evaluating the time of my death,
but I doubt I'll last
more than 24 hours.
What are you
talking about?
What I'm saying is that
your theory is not a theory.
I absorbed a large quantity
of synthetic C.P.H.4.
that will allow me to use
100% of my cerebral capacity.
Right now, I'm at 28%,
and what you wrote
is true.
Once the brain reaches 20%,
it opens up and expands the rest.
There are no more obstacles.
They fall away like dominoes.
I'm colonizing my own brain.
I don't know what to... Say.
It's true, I've been working on
this theory for over 20 years,
it's only ever been
hypotheses and research ideas.
I never thought
anyone would...
- You can control your own metabolism?
- Yes.
And I can start to control
other people's bodies.
Also, I can control
magnetic and electric waves.
Not all of them,
just the most basic.
That's amazing.
I don't feel pain, fear, desire.
It's like all things that make us
human are fading away.
It's like the less
human I feel,
all this knowledge
about everything,
quantum physics,
applied mathematics,
the infinite capacity
of a cell's nucleus.
They're all exploding inside my brain,
all this knowledge.
I don't know
what to do with it.
If you're asking me
what to do...
You know,
if you think about the
very nature of life,
I mean,
from the very beginning,
the development
of the first cell
divided into two cells.
The sole purpose
of life has been to
pass on what was learned.
There was no
higher purpose.
So if you're asking me
what to do
with all this knowledge
you're accumulating, I'd say
pass it on.
Just like any simple cell
going through time.
Yes, of course.
I'll be at your
door in 12 hours.
would - olur
working - çalışma
through - vasitasiyla
thought - düşünce
think - düşünmek
there - Orada
synthetic - sentetik
speed - hız
second - ikinci
saying - söz
right - Sağ
purpose - amaç
professor - [object Object]
phenomenal - olağanüstü
obstacles - engeller
nucleus - çekirdek
nature - doğa
television - televizyon
million - milyon
accumulating - biriken
dominoes - domino oyunu
doubt - şüphe
years - Yıl
physics - fizik
learned - bilgili
start - başlama
several - Birkaç
divided - bölünmüş
cerebral - beyin
infinite - sonsuz
death - ölüm
telephone - telefon
never - asla
amazing - şaşırtıcı
electric - elektrik
capacity - kapasite
trouble - sorun
theory - teori
reproducing - üreyen
asking - sormak
basic - Temel
bodies - bedenler
opens - açılan
hypotheses - hipotezler
wrote - yazdı
cells - Hücreler
absorbed - emilir
research - Araştırma
development - gelişme
quantum - kuantum
applied - uygulamalı
talking - konuşma
other - diğer
about - hakkında
ideas - fikirler
desire - arzu etmek
colonizing - kolonize
evaluating - değerlendirilmesi
anyone - kimse
fading - solan
beginning - başlangıç
everything - her şey
waves - dalgalar
expands - genişler
simple - Basit
brain - Beyin
large - geniş
radio - radyo
first - ilk
having - sahip olan
control - kontrol
hours - saatler
precisely - tam
exploding - Patlayan
going - gidiş
reaches - ulaşır
quantity - miktar
higher - daha yüksek
human - insan
inside - içeride
knowledge - bilgi
magnetic - manyetik
things - eşyalar
course - kurs
allow - izin vermek
mathematics - matematik
metabolism - metabolizma
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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