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Öğrenmeye başla
What's the matter?
You never saw anybody from
the planet Vultern before?
- Beep, beep-beep-beep.
Yes, uh, may...
Never mind.
- Uh, wait a minute!
Hi. I'm here to register
my son for the ninth grade.
Well, uh, Mrs...
No "Mrs." I'm Rusty Dennis.
This is my son Rocky.
Please, sit down.
We're running a little bit late.
So could you move it along?
This is a public junior
high school, Miss Dennis.
There are
special schools...
with wonderful facilities
that might be more
appropriate for his needs.
Do you teach algebra
and biology and English here?
- Of course.
- Those are his needs.
Perhaps I should speak
to the boy's father.
Perhaps you should
speak to the pope too.
He'd be a lot easier to find.
Under the circumstances, I... feel that for the good of
my students as well as your son,
I'm going to need
some additional information...
You know what? Don't jerk me around.
I'm not in the mood.
I've had a real
crappy day so far.
First I find out that we're in
the wrong goddamn school district.
I gotta come down and play
pussyfoot with you.
This is a copy of our lease,
this is a copy of Rocky's
birth certificate,
and this is his last report card
from Stevens Junior
High School...
where he was in the top
five percent of his class.
And I got some additional
information for you.
My lawyer's name is B.D.
He's told me of my rights.
If you give me any shit
at all,
he's gonna drag your
ass into court.
Don't worry, Mr. Simms.
I look weird, but otherwise
I'm real normal.
Everything will be cool.
Thanks a lot.
See you next week.
- What?
We have a lawyer named B.D. Higgins?
- Yeah. Bulldozer.
Come on. Let's get out of here.
- Hey, you're a lawyer, Doze.
Bullshit rules!
worry - endişelenmek
wonderful - olağanüstü
where - nerede
weird - tuhaf
vultern - vultern
under - altında
those - bu
wrong - Yanlış
thanks - teşekkürler
teach - öğretmek
simms - simms
should - meli
there - Orada
school - okul
running - koşu
stevens - stevens
rules - kurallar
rocky - kayalık
report - rapor
register - kayıt olmak
pussyfoot - sessizce yürümek
please - lütfen
planet - gezegen
special - özel
english - ingilizce
district - ilçe
lawyer - avukat
dennis - dennis
perhaps - belki
crappy - berbat
could - could
percent - yüzde
court - Mahkeme
bullshit - saçmalık
along - uzun bir
course - kurs
algebra - cebir
birth - doğum
before - önce
goddamn - lanet olası
circumstances - koşullar
class - sınıf
around - etrafında
bulldozer - buldozer
certificate - sertifika
going - gidiş
gonna - olacak
speak - konuşmak
easier - daha kolay
matter - madde
anybody - kimse
appropriate - Uygun
additional - ek
rusty - paslı
everything - her şey
never - asla
father - baba
schools - okullar
first - ilk
biology - biyoloji
needs - ihtiyaçlar
ninth - dokuzuncu
gotta - lazım
facilities - tesisler
named - adlı
information - bilgi
students - öğrencilerin
public - halka açık
grade - sınıf
higgins - higgins
junior - genç
lease - kiralama
might - belki
rights - haklar
little - küçük
minute - dakika
otherwise - aksi takdirde
normal - normal
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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