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Öğrenmeye başla
I think families are overrated.
You ever get the feeling that there's
a part of ourselves we just turn off?
- Which part is that?
- I feel like it's the part that...
...tells us this kind of
behavior is wrong.
Some of the things that we're doing...
You're gonna start moralizing?
Jack, you have made all this money
because of all the horny, frustrated
guys out there have to jerk off
because their wives or their
girlfriends don't treat them right.
So... so I become their little fantasy
girl for five bucks a pop
and make 'em forget for a fleeting
fuckin' instant
that their wives and kids can't
stand the fuckin' sight of them.
So, no, I don't have guilt for that.
You're lucky.
And my soul is perfectly fucking intact.
- That's good.
- Yeah.
You know what I'm starting to think?
I'm starting to think
you're full of shit.
You are so fucking full of shit.
I don't fuckin' need to be here.
Why? Tell me why,
why do I have to be here?
So you can get a call in the middle of
the night from your fucking bitchy wife,
your fucking Texas bitchy fucking wife,
saying that one of your
spoiled fucking kids
can't make it to the prep school
fucking homecoming?
Your bags are packed, Audrey.
We don't belong anywhere
near each other, that's why.
I'm sorry, I... I didn't mean
what I said about your family.
I'm sorry, Jack. Just, please
don't do this to me. Please.
Please, please.
Please don't do this to me.
I'll do what you want.
I'll do whatever you want me to do.
I'll be whatever you
want me to be, Jack. Please.
Fine. Fine.
Fucking fine!
wrong - Yanlış
treat - tedavi etmek
things - eşyalar
whatever - her neyse
their - onların
texas - Teksas
girlfriends - kız
which - hangi
think - düşünmek
frustrated - hayal kırıklığına uğramış
gonna - olacak
fleeting - kısacık
saying - söz
tells - anlatır
fantasy - fantezi
moralizing - ahlakçı
guilt - suç
little - küçük
family - Aile
families - aileleri
audrey - audrey
anywhere - herhangi bir yer
bitchy - şirret
starting - Başlangıç
bucks - dolar
become - olmak
there - Orada
school - okul
behavior - davranış
doing - iş
money - para
packed - paketlenmiş
fucking - kahrolası
lucky - şanslı
because - Çünkü
intact - bozulmamış
middle - orta
wives - eşleri
instant - anlık
horny - dik
start - başlama
homecoming - eve dönüş
night - gece
about - hakkında
other - diğer
ourselves - Kendimizi
overrated - abartılan
please - lütfen
spoiled - şımarık
perfectly - kusursuzca
feeling - duygu
right - Sağ
stand - durmak
forget - unutmak
sight - görme
belong - ait
sorry - afedersiniz
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