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Öğrenmeye başla
So you're a fan
of our morning program?
- Yeah, I think it has so many...
- Yeah, yeah, we know it's terrible.
Perpetually in fourth place behind
the Today show, Good Morning America
and that thing on CBS,
whatever it's called.
It's a source of constant humiliation.
Last year, in the network softball
league, the CBS team wore hats
that said,
"At least we're not Daybreak."
The anchors of the show
are difficult and semi...
- Oh, I think Colleen Peck is a pro.
- Heinous.
- Paul McVee is a fine reporter.
- Foul.
OK. Is Daybreak a shitty show? Yes.
But it's on a network.
And not just any network.
This is one of the
most legendary news divisions
in the entire
history of television!
Daybreak just needs
someone who believes in it,
who understands that a national
platform is an invaluable resource,
that no story is too low
or too high to reach for!
Are you gonna... sing?
Look, Mr. Barnes. Jerry.
Daybreak's facilities are antiquated.
It's understaffed, underfunded.
Oh, and the pay.
Awful, about half of what you made
at Hey, How The Hell Are You, New Jersey?
You've never been an
executive producer. You're too young.
Nobody's ever heard of ya.
And here...
your education, three,
not four years,
at Fairleigh Dickinson in Teaneck,
also known as Fairly Ridiculous.
Did I miss anything?
Daybreak needs what I need,
someone who believes
that it can succeed.
Trust me, I know you don't
have any reason to believe in me,
but I work harder than anyone else.
I'm in first, I'm out last.
I know a shitload more about the news
than someone whose daddy paid them
to smoke bongs
and talk semiotics at Harvard
and I devote myself completely
to my job. It's what I do.
It's all I am. I...
You can ask anyone.
Well, that's... embarrassing.
understands - anlar
underfunded - underfunded
trust - güven
softball - softbol
television - televizyon
someone - Birisi
shitload - shitload
ridiculous - gülünç
resource - kaynak
reason - neden
producer - yapımcı
place - yer
young - genç
teaneck - teaneck
never - asla
needs - ihtiyaçlar
years - Yıl
national - ulusal
myself - kendim
morning - sabah
terrible - korkunç
platform - platform
called - denilen
thing - şey
reach - ulaşmak
league - Lig
shitty - boktan
mcvee - mcvee
believes - inanır
history - tarih
difficult - zor
heard - duymuş
smoke - duman
anchors - çapalar
source - kaynak
fourth - dördüncü
invaluable - paha biçilmez
divisions - bölünmeler
devote - adamak
legendary - Efsanevi
america - Amerika
about - hakkında
today - bugün
daddy - baba
completely - Tamamen
semiotics - semiyoloji
behind - arkasında
think - düşünmek
constant - sabit
jerry - jerry
story - öykü
bongs - bonglar
barnes - barnes
awful - korkunç
dickinson - dickinson
anything - her şey
program - program
daybreak - şafak
education - eğitim
jersey - jersey
succeed - başarılı olmak
believe - inanmak
embarrassing - utandırıcı
fairleigh - Fairleigh
entire - Tüm
network - ağ
executive - yönetici
reporter - muhabir
fairly - oldukça
understaffed - understaffed
colleen - colleen
first - ilk
gonna - olacak
antiquated - modası geçmiş
facilities - tesisler
harder - daha güçlü
humiliation - aşağılama
harvard - harvard
heinous - iğrenç
whatever - her neyse
three - üç
anyone - kimse
known - bilinen
whose - kimin
perpetually - sürekli
least - en az
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