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Öğrenmeye başla
I think that you're sort of...
comically great.
And I thought it seemed
so promising so I... I bungled it,
because that's what I do.
I bungle things.
I bungle and I ramble, and that's
kind of like what I'm doing right now,
talking about it.
You threw me off guard.
You, with your...
And the... and the, this...
And the...
My working on a loom?
double-handed craps. My...
- My Jazzercise.
- Rowing.
- Rowing?
- Championship?
I never would have got that.
But you know what I mean.
That I didn't think that you...
liked me.
But I do. Oddly.
You're... different.
And a deeply terrible mime.
Well, I asked you out.
Then when I saw you at the bar,
I practically tackled you to the ground.
What part of that was confusing?
Here, here, here, sit down.
Look, my, my radar for that kind of thing
is so bad.
I mean, I don't even know if a man's
interested in me until he's naked.
I mean, the pants come off
and then I'm like,
Oh, I guess you don't really want
to see my CD collection
- or talk about Kerouac.
- You're nuts.
OK, look. Let's start over.
Let's go out to dinner
like... regular people.
Just take it slowly,
just see where it leads.
- How does that sound?
- That sounds perfect.
Oh, God, I should go home.
Oh, it's eight!
would - olur
where - nerede
until - a kadar
working - çalışma
threw - attı
thought - düşünce
think - düşünmek
thing - şey
terrible - korkunç
great - harika
eight - sekiz
perfect - Mükemmel
handed - eli
interested - ilgili
championship - şampiyonluk
doing - iş
deeply - derinden
bungle - beceriksizlik
promising - umut verici
collection - toplamak
comically - acayip
confusing - kafa karıştırıcı
double - Çift
because - Çünkü
slowly - yavaşça
dinner - akşam yemegi
bungled - bungled
sounds - sesleri
different - farklı
craps - kreps
jazzercise - jazzercise
kerouac - kerouac
things - eşyalar
people - insanlar
radar - radar
guess - tahmin
regular - düzenli
liked - sevilen
naked - çıplak
never - asla
leads - potansiyel müşteriler
pants - pantolon
practically - pratikte
guard - bekçi
oddly - tuhaf bir şekilde
rowing - kürek çekme
ramble - yayılmak
really - gerçekten mi
right - Sağ
seemed - gibiydi
ground - Zemin
should - meli
talking - konuşma
tackled - ele
about - hakkında
sound - ses
asked - diye sordu
start - başlama
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