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Everybody, you're late.
Don't let it happen again.
I'm Tank and I will be brief.
Here at Airmeister we have two rules.
No refunds.
The beauty of an air purifier is that
nobody can prove that it doesn't work.
Amanda, you saucy tart.
I want somebody really pissed off.
I'm talking about DEFCON 2
level of anger.
Who do you got for me, baby?
I have just the one for you, Tank.
She's furious and she asked
for you by name.
Put her through.
Tank Turner, Customer Satisfaction.
How may I help you?
Before we even discuss
what I just received...
... which is a whole other mystery...
...I demand an explanation
for yesterday.
Ma'am, I'm fully concerned.
What happened yesterday?
Are you gay?
Or are you just an asshole?
Oh, ma'am. Profanity is superfluous
because no verbal affront...
...could be as devastating to me
as your dissatisfaction.
Yes, I mean if the unit's performance
or lack thereof has left you frustrated...
See, I never saw your unit. I gave
you a chance and you didn't deliver.
Ma'am, you're upset.
I'm upset. I'm upset that you will
never, ever know what it's like... sit on a hot, sweaty
summer night...
...and let that unit blow
its glorious bounty all over your face.
You think after the shit
you put me through...
...that I... I called just so
you could talk dirty to me?
I gave you a one-time
free hall pass for sex.
Good sex. Hot sex.
I fucking roofied myself.
I'm a little confused. Amanda?
You're confused?
That makes two of us...
...because I don't know what kind
of asshole acts like an asshole...
...and then when it actually comes
time to be an asshole, walks away.
Like a total asshole.
Making me look like
an even bigger asshole...
...for offering some big-ass asshole
asshole-sex in the first place.
What kind of asshole are you?
This is actually a personal call.
Dude, you are so hired.
Excuse me for a second.
walks - yürüyüşleri
verbal - sözlü
upset - üzgün
turner - tornacı
total - genel toplam
thereof - bunun
sweaty - terli
superfluous - gereksiz
summer - Yaz
somebody - birisi
saucy - şımarık
whole - bütün
satisfaction - memnuniyet
roofied - İçkine ilaç karıştırdık
really - gerçekten mi
purifier - temizleyici
profanity - küfür
personal - kişisel
performance - performans
received - Alınan
nobody - kimse
never - asla
pissed - sarhoş
could - could
bounty - cömertlik
dissatisfaction - memnuniyetsizlik
level - seviye
through - vasitasiyla
little - küçük
prove - kanıtlamak
confused - şaşkın
yesterday - Dün
first - ilk
offering - teklif
glorious - şanlı
comes - geliyor
called - denilen
rules - kurallar
brief - kısa
talking - konuşma
other - diğer
about - hakkında
myself - kendim
because - Çünkü
airmeister - airmeister
chance - şans
furious - öfkeli
before - önce
actually - aslında
happen - olmak
amanda - amanda
asshole - pislik
concerned - ilgili
beauty - güzellik
after - sonra
bigger - daha büyük
asked - diye sordu
anger - öfke
which - hangi
think - düşünmek
explanation - açıklama
frustrated - hayal kırıklığına uğramış
again - Tekrar
customer - Müşteri
place - yer
demand - talep
defcon - defcon
deliver - teslim etmek
second - ikinci
making - yapma
devastating - yıkıcı
fully - tamamen
dirty - kirli
refunds - iadeler
night - gece
makes - markaları
discuss - tartışmak
affront - hakaret
everybody - Herkes
mystery - gizem
excuse - bahane
fucking - kahrolası
happened - olmuş
hired - kiralanmış
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