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Öğrenmeye başla
She is almost perfect.
That's great. Is she working
three jobs too?
No, but she sounds
exactly like you.
Well, I'm sure she doesn't
actually sound like me, Joe.
No, she does.
She responds to callers with
something that you would say.
Obviously it's more predictable.
Only as predictable as you are.
- Excuse me.
- I said only as predictable as you are.
- We're all predictable.
- Well, I'm not.
Actually, you are. The more I've
been listening to your voice,
I recognize that you use
sixteen different word clusters
in seventy percent of your
verbal communication.
I can show you
a breakdown of it.
No, that's fine,
I'm sure you're right.
I am, I have the data.
How is this legal?
Have you ever heard, "this call
may be monitored or recorded"?
That's us.
I need a list
of in-network podiatrists.
I'm with you
but I didn't catch that.
That's you.
It's something.
Would you like to choose a
new, primary care physician?
I don't want to change doctors.
Why do I have to change?
I know it's complex, but
we will deal with it together.
Deal with it together.
You say that all the time.
Okay, no.
Congratulations Joe.
Successfully reduced my
personality to a couple of catch phrases.
Don't you see
how lifelike it is?
I mean, people are even calling in
to corporate to speak to you, to her.
Maybe it's groundbreaking
for an answering machine.
But, it's not me, it's...
it's nothing like me.
Are you mad about
something else?
No, I'm just tired.
The great news is, I don't have
to be anymore, because you did it.
So, I'm gonna quit the hotel. I want
you to take the app off my phone.
We need to do
updates for months.
So, this isn't the
end of the process.
I don't want you
listening anymore.
In order to be of the most value
to our customers,
we're gonna need
to continue to do improvements.
Joe, I will work
with Meghan then.
Joe, I am glad that
the ivr came out so well, okay?
But I would like to
go back to being your wife,
and not your
science experiment.
But I enjoy listening to you.
I don't think you've been
listening to me at all.
Take the app off my phone, Joe.
It's off.
Thank you. I'm going to bed.
working - çalışma
voice - Ses
verbal - sözlü
updates - güncellemeler
together - Birlikte
think - düşünmek
thank - teşekkür
speak - konuşmak
sounds - sesleri
seventy - yetmiş
right - Sağ
responds - yanıt verir
recorded - kaydedilmiş
science - bilim
recognize - tanımak
process - süreç
primary - Birincil
phone - telefon
personality - kişilik
perfect - Mükemmel
percent - yüzde
people - insanlar
complex - karmaşık
choose - seçmek
answering - cevap veren
predictable - tahmin edilebilir
corporate - tüzel
podiatrists - podiatristler
catch - yakalamak
actually - aslında
experiment - deney
different - farklı
something - bir şey
anymore - Artık
would - olur
exactly - kesinlikle
legal - yasal
almost - neredeyse
clusters - kümeler
because - Çünkü
three - üç
enjoy - keyfini çıkarın
change - değişiklik
congratulations - tebrik ederiz
hotel - otel
sixteen - on altı
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
being - olmak
great - harika
breakdown - yıkmak
value - değer
communication - iletişim
going - gidiş
couple - çift
gonna - olacak
callers - Arayanların
groundbreaking - çığır açan
calling - çağrı
maybe - olabilir
excuse - bahane
successfully - başarılı olarak
heard - duymuş
tired - yorgun
obviously - belli ki
reduced - indirimli
improvements - iyileştirmeler
lifelike - canlı
customers - müşteriler
listening - dinleme
physician - doktor
phrases - ifadeler
machine - makine
meghan - meghan
sound - ses
about - hakkında
monitored - izlenen
doctors - Doktorlar
months - ay
continue - devam et
network - ağ
order - sipariş
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