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Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
Öğrenmeye başla
The ancient Japanese
considered the Go board
to be a microcosm
of the universe.
Although, when it is empty,
it appears to be simple and ordered,
the possibilities of gameplay
are endless.
No two Go games have ever been alike,
just like snowflakes.
So, the Go board
actually represents
an extremely complex
and chaotic universe.
And that is the truth
of our world, Max.
It can't be
easily summed up with math.
There is no simple pattern.
But as the Go game progresses, the
possibilities become smaller and smaller.
The board does take on order.
Soon, all the moves are predictable.
So maybe, even though
we're not sophisticated enough to be aware of it,
there is a pattern, an order
underlying every Go game.
Maybe that pattern is like the pattern
in the stock market?
The Torah? This 216 number?
- This is insanity, Max.
- Or maybe it's genius.
- I have to get that number.
- Hold on!
You have to slow down.
You're losing it.
You have to take a breath.
Listen to yourself.
You're connecting
a computer bug I had
with a computer bug you might have
had and some religious hogwash.
If you want to find
the number 216 in the world
you will be able
to find it everywhere.
216 steps from your street
corner to your front door,
216 seconds
you spend rising on the elevator
When... when your mind becomes obsessed
you will filter everything else out
and find that thing everywhere.
320, 450, 22, whatever.
You've chosen 216 and you'll
find it everywhere in nature.
But, Max,
as soon as you discard
scientific rigour,
you are no longer
a mathematician,
you're a numerologist.
yourself - kendin
world - Dünya
underlying - altında yatan
torah - Tevrat
though - gerçi
thing - şey
universe - evren
there - Orada
smaller - Daha küçük
scientific - ilmi
simple - Basit
rising - yükselen
seconds - saniye
rigour - titizlik
represents - temsil
religious - dini
predictable - tahmin edilebilir
sophisticated - sofistike
possibilities - olasılıklar
order - sipariş
numerologist - nümerolojistsindir
empty - Boş
might - belki
games - oyunlar
listen - dinlemek
considered - düşünülen
elevator - asansör
computer - bilgisayar
ancient - eski
connecting - bağlantı
truth - hakikat
although - olmasına rağmen
alike - benzer
appears - belirir
chaotic - karmakarışık
corner - Köşe
endless - sonsuz
pattern - model
actually - aslında
steps - adımlar
mathematician - matematikçi
street - sokak
aware - farkında
summed - toplanmış
ordered - düzenli
becomes - olur
board - yazı tahtası
complex - karmaşık
spend - harcamak
hogwash - hogwash
chosen - seçilmiş
longer - uzun
breath - nefes
snowflakes - kar taneleri
progresses - ilerledikçe
enough - yeterli
every - proszę uważać
everything - her şey
whatever - her neyse
everywhere - her yerde
market - pazar
microcosm - küçük evren
extremely - Son derece
become - olmak
filter - filtre
front - Ön
stock - stok
insanity - delilik
gameplay - oynanış
easily - kolayca
genius - deha
japanese - japonca
losing - kaybetme
obsessed - kafayı takmış
maybe - olabilir
moves - hamle
discard - ıskarta
nature - doğa
number - numara
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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