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Öğrenmeye başla
Ray, you're the leader, man.
Be one! Come on, now.
You know what Jeff, I mean
things have changed, man.
It ain't like the days when it was
seven of us on the Chitlin' Circuit.
I mean, if you weren't busy
building a bowling alley, you'd seen that.
So you know about that, huh?
I know about everything.
I'm just trying to figure out
how you did it.
You think
I'm stealing from you, Ray?
If the Shaw Agency is gonna give
you a cut of the 10 percent that I'm given.
I might as well keep
the goddamn money in my pocket.
Leave us alone.
We need to talk.
- Ray.
- You can step outside, Joe.
I'll be in my office.
Ray, now I know that jealous bastard
planted that lie in your head.
But I have never stolen
from you, Ray, and I never will.
I got myself a small business
loan, and, yeah,
Milt Shaw was giving me a little
extra, but I'm not a thief, Ray.
Then what about that, Jeff, huh?
A promoter swearing that you did
side deals with him so you could split my overages!
How could you do that to me?
You know what, Ray?
If we were like brothers,
why are you paying Joe
more than you're paying me?
Damn all that!
You broke my heart, man.
Well, you know what, Ray?
You broke mine a long goddamn time ago!
Well, then there it is.
You know something, Ray?
You're going to get yours
one day.
And I pray to God that he
has mercy on your soul, you son of a bitch!
trying - çalışıyor
think - düşünmek
things - eşyalar
yours - seninki
there - Orada
stolen - çalıntı
going - gidiş
gonna - olacak
giving - vererek
given - verilmiş
extra - ekstra
overages - Fazlalıkları
never - asla
goddamn - lanet olası
bastard - piç
deals - fırsatlar
brothers - kardeşler
leave - ayrılmak
alley - geçit
circuit - devre
could - could
little - küçük
alone - yalnız
thief - hırsız
seven - yedi
something - bir şey
bitch - orospu
business - iş
jealous - kıskanç
agency - ajans
about - hakkında
bowling - bowling
figure - şekil
office - ofis
changed - değişmiş
split - Bölünmüş
pocket - cep
broke - kırdı
building - Bina
heart - kalp
outside - dışında
might - belki
mercy - merhamet
money - para
everything - her şey
myself - kendim
paying - ödeme yapan
swearing - küfür
stealing - çalma
percent - yüzde
leader - lider
planted - ekili
promoter - destekçi
small - küçük
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