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Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
Öğrenmeye başla
- Bob and Marianne Taylor.
- Just bear with me one second.
- There are other hotels in Miami.
- I am really sorry.
What is the problem here?
We made these reservations
over six months ago.
- I know, Mam, I am just not seeing it.
- Well, where's Lisa?
Lisa always takes care of us.
I know, Mam. She's out of town.
- Her grandmother passed away.
- Cynthia, is it?
- Yes, sir?
- Would you get in more trouble
if you bothered her
or if I called corporate?
Who taught you how to drive?
Stevie Wonder?
- You still catch your plane. You got...
- Ten minutes.
- Lisa Reisert.
- Lisa? Hi.
I am so sorry to call, but I didn't
know what to do. I have a situation.
- Slow down. I'm here. What's the problem?
- Bob and Marianne Taylor.
Yep. They're regulars.
Yeah, well, I think I sort of
erased their reservation.
I was never checked out
on this new system.
Did I mention I had a confirmed
reservation? This is my receipt.
I downloaded it off the Internet myself.
- I know, Mrs. Taylor, just calm down.
- No, no, no. Don't say that.
- Calm down?
- She told me to calm down.
Don't tell us to calm down.
We have been very calm
right up until now.
I am so sorry. Lisa?
OK, Cynthia, just tell them one more
minute they'll be happy, you promise
Just one more minute.
You will be very happy. I promise.
We better be.
Now, enter my PIN.
It's 7-8-8... Hang on.
- Dad?
- Lisa?
- Hold on! Can you hold on?
- Sure.
OK, it's 7-8-8-4 underscore L-Reisert.
- Lisa, I am so sorry for calling.
- No, no, no, it's fine, it's fine.
- Are you logged in yet?
- Yeah. Now what do I do?
Click on the Crisis folder,
you will see a list of empty rooms,
give them fourth-floor
corner by the gym,
and comp them for
tonight and tomorrow.
OK, just a sec. OK, you are all set.
The first two nights
are going to be on us.
And if you need anything else,
just let me know.
We won't.
This is not my fault.
God, they totally threw me.
They were such...
until - a kadar
underscore - vurgulamak
totally - bütünüyle
threw - attı
think - düşünmek
these - bunlar
there - Orada
taught - öğretilen
system - sistem
sorry - afedersiniz
rooms - odalar
situation - durum
reisert - reisert
regulars - düzenli
taylor - taylor
first - ilk
would - olur
stevie - stevie
crisis - kriz
reservations - rezervasyonları
really - gerçekten mi
erased - sildim
enter - girmek
downloaded - i̇ndirildi
empty - Boş
seeing - görme
anything - her şey
fault - hata
bothered - rahatsız
their - onların
cynthia - cynthia
passed - geçti
calling - çağrı
corner - Köşe
marianne - marianne
drive - sürücü
click - tık
corporate - tüzel
called - denilen
takes - alır
floor - Zemin
happy - mutlu
right - Sağ
minutes - dakika
wonder - merak etmek
tomorrow - Yarın
second - ikinci
better - Daha iyi
confirmed - onaylı
reservation - rezervasyon
checked - kontrol
going - gidiş
logged - günlüğe
tonight - Bu gece
folder - klasör
fourth - dördüncü
still - yine
hotels - oteller
internet - Internet
mention - söz etmek
grandmother - büyükanne
miami - miami
months - ay
myself - kendim
never - asla
always - Her zaman
receipt - makbuz
minute - dakika
nights - gece
other - diğer
plane - uçak
problem - Sorun
trouble - sorun
catch - yakalamak
promise - söz vermek
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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