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Öğrenmeye başla
Hey, ladies. Sorry,
you got a second? - Yeah.
Listen, I'm concerned
about Mary.
Something's going on.
Yeah, me too.
Well, she's part of
your posse,
and I think that you
could help her.
I'm gonna need you to
be a warrior out there
on the front lines for Jesus.
You mean like shoot her?
No, I was thinking
of something a little less gangsta.
I need someone who's
spiritually armed
to help guide her
back to her faith,
to love and care
that only Jesus can supply.
- You down with that?
- Yeah, I'm down with that.
She's pretty
vulnerable right now,
so I'm gonna need you
to be extra gentle.
- Hurry! Hurry! Come on!
- I'm going! I'm going!
- Get her!
- Come on, Tia!
Stuff her in here! Hurry up! Hurry Up!
In the name of Jesus Christ.
I command you,
leave the body...
of this servant of God.
- You're performing... exorcism on me?
Get off me!
Where are you going?
Get back here!
Hey, Mary, we've gotta get rid
of the evil in you.
- It's God's will!
- God's will?
- Christ died for your sins!
- Okay, wait a second.
So are you not gonna
accept our intervention?
Kidnapping? No!
You are backsliding
into the flames of hell. - Yeah!
You've become a magnet for sin.
We've all witnessed it.
Sure. Veronica acting all pure.
What about last
spring break
at the Promise Maker's
rally, huh?
God, you are making accusations...
- Get off me!
as we're trying to
save your soul?
Mary, turn away from Satan.
Jesus... he loves you.
You don't know
the first thing about love.
I am filled with Christ's love!
You are just jealous
of my success in the Lord.
This is not a weapon, you idiot.
warrior - savaşçı
vulnerable - savunmasız
trying - çalışıyor
thing - şey
success - başarı
stuff - şey
spring - bahar
sorry - afedersiniz
witnessed - tanık
something - bir şey
someone - Birisi
there - Orada
shoot - ateş etme
front - Ön
extra - ekstra
ladies - kadınlar
think - düşünmek
satan - şeytan
exorcism - şeytan çıkarma
thinking - düşünme
christ - i̇sa
faith - inanç
accusations - suçlamalar
kidnapping - kaçırma
gentle - nazik
going - gidiş
listen - dinlemek
could - could
little - küçük
break - kırılma
command - komuta
weapon - silah
veronica - veronika
acting - oyunculuk
filled - dolu
about - hakkında
concerned - ilgili
right - Sağ
backsliding - buna gücüm
armed - silâhlı
gotta - lazım
guide - kılavuz
supply - arz
intervention - müdahale
promise - söz vermek
hurry - acele
loves - sever
become - olmak
idiot - salak
servant - hizmetçi
gangsta - gangsta
jealous - kıskanç
flames - Alevler
jesus - isa
rally - ralli
leave - ayrılmak
accept - kabul etmek
gonna - olacak
lines - hatlar
magnet - mıknatıs
spiritually - ruhsal
second - ikinci
making - yapma
where - nerede
performing - icra
first - ilk
posse - heyet
pretty - güzel
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
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