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Öğrenmeye başla
It is important that...
- You see him?
- ...know work ethic.
- It's a bunch of puppies.
- ...he will want to play.
But he also wants to please you.
Teach him to work, to work well, and in
the end that is all your dog will want.
- Michaels, what are you doing?
- I'm nothing, sir.
Is Agent forty four your pet?
- No, sir.
- No, he's not. He's an FBI agent.
Yes, sir.
You wouldn't tickle a
fellow agent's underbelly.
No, sir.
You don't see me tickling
Agent Cassavettes' underbelly, do you?
- No, sir.
- No, you do not!
People, get this to your head!
This is not a drill!
These dogs will save your life one day.
Agent Eleven saved mine
several times.
So, don't tickle my animals.
All canine agents wear
an Invisible Fence collar...
...which gives a shock, designed
to get his attention.
Since we work exclusively
with hand signals...
sometimes it is necessary
to prompt the dog to look back.
This causes serious discomfort.
For the dog's safety
the collar has a voltage regulator
to prevent power surges.
Never introduce a metal object or you'll
light your animal up like a Christmas Tree.
A demonstration of the shock collar by
the most decorated canine in FBI history.
- Eleven!
- That's him!
- You sure?
- Oh, yeah.
Yeah, a little older maybe,
but that's him.
- Attack!
- Come to Papa. Now!
- You said, "Now".
- I meant now "now", not "now"!
which - hangi
wants - istiyor
underbelly - bel altı
tickling - gıdıklama
tickle - gıdıklamak
these - bunlar
surges - dalgalanmaları
sometimes - ara sıra
signals - sinyalleri
several - Birkaç
serious - Ciddi
saved - kaydedilmiş
safety - emniyet
since - dan beri
agents - ajanları
fellow - adam
exclusively - sadece
discomfort - rahatsızlık
collar - yaka
drill - matkap
bunch - demet
shock - şok
decorated - dekore edilmiş
attention - dikkat
animals - hayvanlar
attack - saldırı
ethic - etik
prompt - çabuk
important - önemli
animal - hayvan
canine - köpek
fence - çit
history - tarih
agent - ajan
causes - nedenleri
metal - metal
doing - iş
teach - öğretmek
designed - tasarlanmış
older - daha eski
christmas - noel
forty - kırk
gives - verir
light - ışık
little - küçük
michaels - michaels
demonstration - gösteri
people - insanlar
voltage - voltaj
maybe - olabilir
introduce - takdim etmek
invisible - görünmez
meant - demek
never - asla
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
necessary - Gerekli
regulator - regülatör
object - nesne
please - lütfen
times - zamanlar
power - Güç
eleven - on bir
prevent - önlemek
puppies - yavru
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Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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