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Öğrenmeye başla
What are you doing here?
Swimming, in moonlight.
Turn around.
What was that?
It is said that when a witch
first touches by moonlight...
the man with whom she's
meant to walk hand in hand
there is a blue spark.
So you are a witch.
My father is a gypsy,
and my mother is a witch.
So that makes me a witch.
She is all I have.
We're not all evil, you know, that's
your master would have you believe.
Some of us are good.
Some are bad.
And the rest are simply unaware.
And what kind are you?
So where are you headed?
The Pendel Mount.
Why do you want to be like him?
He treats you worse than a dog,
calls witches' abominations.
Have you been spying on us?
- Yes.
- For whom?
Someone who calls people abominations.
What is that?
That... is Tusk.
He's having a bad dream
by the sounds of it.
I wonder what monsters
have nightmares about.
Humans, probably.
would - olur
wonder - merak etmek
witch - cadı
touches - dokunuşlar
swimming - yüzme
worse - daha da kötüsü
spying - casusluk
there - Orada
spark - kıvılcım
sounds - sesleri
someone - Birisi
probably - muhtemelen
people - insanlar
around - etrafında
dream - rüya
doing - iş
believe - inanmak
unaware - habersiz
nightmares - kabuslar
where - nerede
father - baba
treats - davranır
about - hakkında
calls - aramalar
abominations - iğrençlikleri
first - ilk
having - sahip olan
monsters - canavarlar
humans - insanlar
makes - markaları
master - ana
meant - demek
mother - anne
gypsy - Çingene
mount - dağ
simply - basitçe
headed - başlı
moonlight - ay ışığı
pendel - pendei
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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