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Öğrenmeye başla
What is it with you?
I don't know what's the matter
with me. I'm just very thirsty.
Well, then pick up the glass!
Stop pushing it off the table.
You must have been
such a demanding child.
God, I'm just starving.
Anyway, as I was saying,
I'm just, I'm so sick of artists.
They just always let you down.
Just give me a
great businessman.
Dating this playwright...
They write plays,
they don't think
about life, they...
Are you listening to
anything that I'm saying?
And why are you hiding
behind that menu?
I'm not!
Lawyers, good people. Yes. Yes.
I just have to change my life,
that's all I can say. I have to.
What are you looking at?
Is that who I think it is?
That son of a bitch!
Oh my gosh!
Are you all right?
- Yeah, yeah.
- Everybody keeps falling down!
Wow, how great!
Here's my therapist...
Jane, look, you have to...
You're fired!
Are you okay?
- Yeah.
- Do you know her?
Yeah, I guess I do.
Don't just leave!
You're fired, too!
Watch where you're going!
I have got to go
to the ladies room.
- Are you all right, son?
- Dad!
- What are you doing here?
- I work.
- From when?
- It's a long story,
and neither of us
has time for it.
I'll see you in a minute.
Jane! Wait!
Well, hello, wonderful reading!
I was just getting some air.
Of course.
Josh, what are you doing here?
Delta always said
this was a great place
I'm here with that girl, Izzy.
I was so impressed with her.
- She's here?
- Yeah. In the ladies room.
- Dear God in heaven.
- What?
write - yazmak
watch - izlemek
thirsty - susuz
think - düşünmek
therapist - terapist
story - öykü
falling - düşen
arnold - arnold
hiding - gizleme
reading - okuma
going - gidiş
matter - madde
plays - oyunlar
table - tablo
dating - escort
hello - merhaba
getting - alma
great - harika
child - çocuk
ladies - kadınlar
listening - dinleme
impressed - etkilendim
always - Her zaman
anything - her şey
artists - sanatçılar
lawyers - avukatları
about - hakkında
heaven - cennet
minute - dakika
glass - bardak
playwright - oyun yazarı
wonderful - olağanüstü
anyway - neyse
businessman - işadamı
everybody - Herkes
behind - arkasında
doing - iş
keeps - tutar
demanding - zahmetli
fired - ateş
bitch - orospu
pushing - itme
where - nerede
delta - delta
change - değişiklik
leave - ayrılmak
saying - söz
guess - tahmin
looking - seyir
neither - ne
course - kurs
starving - çok aç
people - insanlar
place - yer
right - Sağ
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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