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Öğrenmeye başla
Stay focused and work together, okay?
Carl Hayden, your time starts now.
All right, Luis, drop Stinky.
Okay, guys. We got this.
All right, going straight ahead.
- Three meters down.
- Okay, controllers are reliable now.
Okay, but we gotta move fast.
They're only giving us 60 seconds
for the first task.
It looks as though Carl Hayden
is having a difficult time
with the very first task.
Guys, we can still make it.
We still can. Come on.
Man, get out of there, dude.
We're not gonna need you.
Not a very promising start
for this young team.
- Come on!
- We still can, come on.
Ten seconds!
They're out of time!
There goes the diver to open the hatch.
That's a five point loss.
But, you know, Ken, isn't it a win
just to get on the course at all?
Guys, it's only five points.
There are 95 more in there.
Hey, enough with the red light.
Turn it off.
Okay, Lorenzo,
I'm going three degrees down.
- Could you be more exact?
- 2.73 degrees.
- Steady, steady.
- Clamp! Clamp!
We got it!
Correct! That's 10 points
for Carl Hayden.
There you go!
All right, easy, easy, easy!
Grab it!
There's half the task, folks.
Let's see if they can complete
the second half for a full 10 points.
Just forget the bell.
We'll come back for it.
Time to go recover the Enigma.
Looks like they're bypassing
the second part, folks.
That's another five point loss.
But they did get those first 5 points,
so they're up to 20 points.
Five points ain't nothing.
Steady, stay steady!
Go! Yes!
together - Birlikte
though - gerçi
three - üç
those - bu
gonna - olacak
going - gidiş
giving - vererek
focused - odaklı
there - Orada
first - ilk
ahead - önde
having - sahip olan
enough - yeterli
young - genç
diver - dalgıç
bypassing - atlayarak
folks - arkadaşlar
light - ışık
enigma - bilmece
correct - Doğru
forget - unutmak
degrees - derece
course - kurs
complete - tamamlayınız
controllers - kontrolörleri
point - puan
another - bir diğeri
gotta - lazım
steady - istikrarlı
hatch - kapak
hayden - hayden
exact - kesin
could - could
looks - görünüyor
lorenzo - lorenzo
start - başlama
meters - metre
reliable - dürüst
clamp - kelepçe
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
points - makas
promising - umut verici
recover - kurtarmak
right - Sağ
second - ikinci
stinky - kokmuş
seconds - saniye
straight - düz
starts - başlar
difficult - zor
still - yine
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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