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Öğrenmeye başla
Ho, ho, ho, hey, hey.
You hold it, right there.
He was up here a couple of days ago.
Thor says it's okay.
Did you eat yet?
I had a little lunch.
What you trying to say?
- Thor didn't tell me nothing about it.
- Well, he told me.
It's better if you don't have
nothing on your stomach.
Better not be no spy, say I.
Better not be no spy.
Better not be no spy, I say
Newton, please.
What's this contest?
Mr. Universe. Next month.
Thor's been saving Joe
up for it.
He don't want the wrong people
seeing him or wouldn't nobody enter.
Are you his trainer?
I'm his grease man.
- Oil him up before exhibition.
- Oh. Uh-huh.
You call lifting them
iddy-biddy things working out?
Yeah, I think the man's doing fine.
Just fine.
I have been watching him now for a
while and he's really moving big.
He moves like
he used to play hockey.
Hey, Franklin, ask him if
he used to play hockey.
- You play hockey?
- Tell Batman it was lacrosse.
But I can see
how he got confused.
Hey, Joe, you gonna be long?
Mary Tate and Anita
are over at the club,
so why don't you all go head and...
I'll catch up
with you later. Okay?
Listen, we got a pool table over there.
You... You play?
wrong - Yanlış
little - küçük
month - ay
lifting - kaldırma
later - sonra
exhibition - sergi
biddy - biddy
enter - girmek
better - Daha iyi
listen - dinlemek
doing - iş
hockey - hokey
before - önce
grease - gres
batman - yarasa adam
anita - anita
about - hakkında
please - lütfen
moving - hareketli
catch - yakalamak
nobody - kimse
confused - şaşkın
really - gerçekten mi
gonna - olacak
couple - çift
moves - hamle
while - süre
working - çalışma
newton - Newton
lunch - öğle yemeği
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
right - Sağ
seeing - görme
stomach - mide
lacrosse - hokey benzeri top oyunu
table - tablo
trying - çalışıyor
people - insanlar
things - eşyalar
saving - tasarruf
think - düşünmek
watching - seyretme
trainer - eğitimci
franklin - arazi sahibi
there - Orada
contest - yarışma
universe - evren
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