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Öğrenmeye başla
Who needs a, home stereo
when you got this guy?
Seems like you're just one of
those all-around artistic people.
Probably could do anything
you set your mind to.
Listen, Ryder.
I just wanna make sure that you
and, well, and your folks know...
how sorry I am about
what happened yesterday.
You're a good kid.
And you're honest.
Your mom raised you right.
And I trust you'd never do anything
but be a good father figure to Molly.
I don't wanna go on
about it, but...
I hope we can
let this rest now.
Yeah, we can.
Okay. Good, good.
we're all a family
and we're gonna...
We're gonna go on being a
family no matter what.
have it any other way.
All right.
Well. Good, then.
Hey, did you show Ryder your chicken
fighting down at the river today?
Did he know how to play?
He didn't?
Didn't your mother teach
you that one, Ryder?
She used to love that game
when we were little.
She was always asking me to go
down to the river with her...
to go chicken fighting.
What is this...
What is chicken fighting?
How about you, Ryder?
You like
chicken fighting too?
Did I just miss
something here?
Your grandma always thought
that game was my idea.
But it was really yours,
wasn't it, Cindy?
Supper's probably
waiting on us, Molly.
Give him back
his glasses.
What was that
all about?
yours - seninki
could - could
people - insanlar
listen - dinlemek
gonna - olacak
matter - madde
happened - olmuş
anything - her şey
mother - anne
ryder - ryder
glasses - gözlük
something - bir şey
folks - arkadaşlar
fighting - kavga
honest - Dürüst
father - baba
raised - kalkık
thought - düşünce
around - etrafında
figure - şekil
trust - güven
being - olmak
artistic - artistik
stereo - müzik seti
asking - sormak
sorry - afedersiniz
seems - görünüyor
always - Her zaman
chicken - tavuk
needs - ihtiyaçlar
really - gerçekten mi
little - küçük
family - Aile
cindy - Cindy
grandma - büyükanne
never - asla
about - hakkında
other - diğer
probably - muhtemelen
right - Sağ
river - Nehir
teach - öğretmek
molly - muhallebi çocuğu
those - bu
today - bugün
waiting - bekleme
yesterday - Dün
wanna - istiyorum
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