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Öğrenmeye başla
There you go. You got it.
Nice. Good? Good job.
- Yeah.
- Take pride in that.
You know,
this place looks great.
Oh, thanks, man, it's all IKEA.
Did the whole place for $47.
- Nice.
- Yeah.
How are the neighbors?
You know, there's an Asian
family living next door
but they don't have a gong or
nothing, so it's not too bad.
- That's lucky.
- Yeah, it is.
- How's work?
- It sucks.
- You?
- Yeah. You know, not bad actually.
I met a girl. She's a cashier.
- No way, that's awesome!
- Yeah.
We should fucking
double-date, or something.
You, me and Lori,
and what's her name?
White trash name. Guess.
- Mandy?
- No.
- Marilyn?
- No.
- Britney? - No.
- Tiffany? - No.
- Candice?
- No.
Don't fuck with me on this.
I know this shit!
- Do you see me fucking with you?
- All right, speed round.
I'm going to rattle off some names
and when I hit it, fucking buzz it.
- I will tell you.
- You got me?
- Fucking Becky?
- No.
Wait, was it any one of those
names with a "Lynn" after it?
Well, I got you, motherfucker.
I got you. Okay.
What the hell?
Hey, man, you think you can
open more than one register?
There's, like,
1,000 people here.
There's supposed to be three
registers open. For God's sakes.
Stick your finger
in the loop of my tag.
You had sexual intercourse with a co-worker on
top of the produce that we sell to the public.
I fucked her with
a parsnip last week
and I sold the parsnip to a
family with four small children.
That took guts. We need guts.
I'm promoting you.
You've got a lot of problems,
don't you?
white - beyaz
three - üç
those - bu
think - düşünmek
there - Orada
thanks - teşekkürler
supposed - sözde
sucks - berbat
stick - çubuk
living - yaşam
guess - tahmin
looks - görünüyor
sexual - cinsel
going - gidiş
lucky - şanslı
fucking - kahrolası
finger - parmak
trash - çöp
parsnip - yaban havucu
public - halka açık
fucked - becerdin
great - harika
children - çocuklar
motherfucker - çocuğu
neighbors - komşular
registers - kayıtlar
speed - hız
britney - britney
small - küçük
rattle - çıngırak
mandy - mandy
people - insanlar
actually - aslında
whole - bütün
register - kayıt olmak
intercourse - ilişki
asian - asya
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
awesome - müthiş
becky - becky
candice - candice
double - Çift
marilyn - marilyn
names - isimler
place - yer
family - Aile
pride - gurur
cashier - kasiyer
problems - sorunlar
worker - işçi
after - sonra
produce - üretmek
promoting - teşvik
right - Sağ
tiffany - tiffany
round - yuvarlak
sakes - aşkına
should - meli
something - bir şey
Çeviriyi görmek için kelimeye tıkla veya kalıbı seç
Öğrenmek için kelime/kalıp eklemek için "ekle"ye tıklayın
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