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Öğrenmeye başla
There we go.
Thanks a lot, come again.
- Hey.
- Hello.
I'd like to ask a few questions
about this breakfast cereal.
Yeah, yeah.
Box of Trix.
That's right.
I've been led to understand that
Trix are exclusively for children.
Is that correct?
I mean, they say, "Trix
are for kids" in the commercials.
And is that enforced by law?
Not to my knowledge, no.
So if I purchase these Trix,
there'll be no trouble?
No. No, you...
You should be fine.
You do understand that I
myself am not a child?
I was able to sniff that out, yeah.
Okay, I'm gonna bring
these back to my apartment.
Yeah, yeah.
You'll... You'll be okay.
I won't be followed?
No, that's...
That's not in our budget here.
I won't forget what you've
done for me here today.
I would prefer that you do.
Jesus Christ.
- You two still not talking?
- No.
Honest to God, Joy, I don't
know how to fix this.
I mean, how the hell do you take a
broken marriage and make it work again?
Well, I'll tell you one way.
You have yourselves a baby.
A baby?
Look at that.
You see them two
white niggas over there?
Yeah. What?
Look at them.
They're so happy.
Because they got that little
baby keeping them together.
If they didn't have that baby,
they'd just be two
sad-ass white niggas
waiting for Downtown Abbey
to come on.
Why, you said it twice.
Is that an actual phrase?
I'm telling you, Ted,
y'all better have a baby or
your marriage is over. Trust.
white - beyaz
twice - iki defa
trust - güven
trouble - sorun
together - Birlikte
forget - unutmak
today - bugün
better - Daha iyi
niggas - zenciler
followed - takip etti
correct - Doğru
marriage - evlilik
budget - bütçe
actual - gerçek
cereal - tahıl
downtown - şehir merkezinde
sniff - koklamak
enforced - zorunlu
apartment - apartman
again - Tekrar
still - yine
children - çocuklar
prefer - tercih etmek
commercials - reklam
christ - i̇sa
child - çocuk
these - bunlar
would - olur
exclusively - sadece
breakfast - Kahvaltı
broken - kırık
about - hakkında
talking - konuşma
little - küçük
bring - getirmek
yourselves - kendiniz
abbey - manastır
because - Çünkü
myself - kendim
gonna - olacak
happy - mutlu
telling - söylüyorum
hello - merhaba
honest - Dürüst
thanks - teşekkürler
jesus - isa
keeping - koruma
understand - anlama
knowledge - bilgi
phrase - ifade
there - Orada
purchase - satın alma
questions - sorular
right - Sağ
waiting - bekleme
should - meli
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