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Öğrenmeye başla
Chief, we gotta do something.
I mean, we really gotta do something.
Those people are running around
down there with guns!
Well, that's great...
That's just great.
I thought all the nuts
went home after Labor Day.
We've gotta have
a definite plan of action, men.
That's what we need.
And first off, we've gotta
have ourselves a leader.
Yeah! That's right!
The democratic way,
that's the way I'd be for.
Let's do it the Republican way!
Have the nominations and a proper election.
But that might take time.
So I'm gonna suggest an alternate.
Anybody wants to be leader
ought to step up here right now,
and we'll put it to a voice vote.
You do it, Fendall! You've got the sword.
Well... Nobody else wants to do it,
I guess it'll have to be me.
So, if there are no objections,
I'll assume command.
One minute.
This may be it, men. This may be it!
All men with firearms,
form a line across the street.
Come on, men!
Keep out of the way! Move!
If an armed man falls,
an unarmed man will pick up his gun!
But don't fire until I give the order!
Men with shotguns,
don't fire until you see the whites!
Get out of the way! It's Agnes Grilk.
Get out of the way!
- That was Muriel Everett with her.
- They said Muriel was dead.
Stop it, Muriel! What are you doing?
If we can take some prisoners
without a fight, all the better.
But if they want war,
men, if they want war, let it begin here!
until - a kadar
thought - düşünce
those - bu
there - Orada
suggest - önermek
street - sokak
unarmed - silâhsız
something - bir şey
shotguns - av tüfeği
falls - düşme
fight - kavga
armed - silâhlı
without - olmadan
wants - istiyor
everett - everett
election - seçim
across - karşısında
chief - şef
proper - Uygun
grilk -
after - sonra
running - koşu
nobody - kimse
firearms - ateşli silahlar
agnes - agnes
better - Daha iyi
democratic - demokratik
whites - beyazlar
alternate - alternatif
great - harika
ought - gerektiğini
around - etrafında
action - aksiyon
definite - kesin
prisoners - mahkumlar
doing - iş
assume - üstlenmek
leader - lider
right - Sağ
objections - itirazlar
begin - başla
first - ilk
sword - kılıç
really - gerçekten mi
gonna - olacak
gotta - lazım
order - sipariş
voice - Ses
ourselves - Kendimizi
guess - tahmin
anybody - kimse
muriel - muriel
nominations - aday
labor - emek
fendall - Fendall
might - belki
minute - dakika
command - komuta
people - insanlar
republican - cumhuriyetçi
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