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I hate this place.
I know.
Can you imagine working here?
Oh, no color. I like go crazy.
I got to have color around me...
or I go nuts.
I hate drab.
You look... just looked right at my
dress when you said that.
- I did not.
- Oh, you did.
- No, I didn't.
- Yes, you did.
I would kill to have, uh...
- Yeah.
- I would.
Sure, Suzette. It's almost the
same color as the... walls.
- Oh, come on. No, it isn't.
- Yes, it is.
I'm the same color as the
department of motor vehicles...
and you... look like a flower.
- Why are you so pissed off?
- I'm not! I'm complimenting you.
I know, all the guys here
are staring at you.
- That's the idea, isn't it?
- What idea?
Well, I mean, if you put
yourself together...
the way that you've put
yourself together...
that's... obviously, you're trying...
to get attention.
- I don't look any different.
- Oh, please.
You used to be
much smaller-chested.
- You mean, my tits are bothering you.
- Oh, come on.
This machine is bothering me...
because it's not functioning.
You know what? I think
you're, like, ticked off,
because you had the big
knockers back in the day.
- Well, please.
- No, yeah.
It's true. Come on, babe. And you
know what? You used to, like...
you know, flash them and
they were famous, those tits...
and I was flat as a pancake.
So I made, you know,
bigger ones.
but if it makes you
feel any better...
I don't feel bad. I don't need
to feel better.
They're too big, and, you know...
I overdid it.
Well, I wasn't going to say anything,
but they're too big.
Yeah, I went from, like,
one extreme to the other.
Mom, he failed me
for no reason!
Gin, what happened?
Nothing! I just drove
like a normal person.
But he decided
to persecute me.
It says that you
ran a red light.
Yeah, right!
As if I'd do that on a test!
Oh! And I told everybody I
was taking this stupid thing!
I promised Jennifer I would
drive her to the Pickle Pan!
You know what? I... I can...
yourself - kendin
walls - Duvarlar
vehicles - araçlar
trying - çalışıyor
together - Birlikte
ticked - işaretli
taking - alma
suzette - suzette
smaller - Daha küçük
right - Sağ
reason - neden
extreme - aşırı
bigger - daha büyük
person - kişi
light - ışık
decided - karar
going - gidiş
persecute - acı çektirmek
pickle - turşu
better - Daha iyi
those - bu
department - bölüm
knockers - memeler
stupid - aptal
please - lütfen
chested - göğüslü
would - olur
motor - motor
drove - sürdü
jennifer - jennifer
makes - markaları
anything - her şey
almost - neredeyse
happened - olmuş
machine - makine
color - renk
attention - dikkat
complimenting - iltifat
because - Çünkü
promised - söz
failed - başarısız oldu
different - farklı
dress - elbise
staring - bakmak
bothering - rahatsız
flash - flaş
flower - çiçek
crazy - çılgın
functioning - işleyen
think - düşünmek
imagine - hayal etmek
looked - baktı
normal - normal
thing - şey
nothing - hiçbir şey değil
obviously - belli ki
other - diğer
drive - sürücü
famous - ünlü
everybody - Herkes
overdid - abarttım
around - etrafında
pancake - yassı
working - çalışma
pissed - sarhoş
place - yer
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