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Öğrenmeye başla
Andrew Clark,
get up here.
Come on. Front and center.
Let's go.
- Hey, how come Andrew gets to get up?
- That's right.
If he gets up, we'll all get up.
It'll be anarchy!
the magazines.
That's very clever, sir,
but what if there's a fire?
I think violating fire codes
and endangering the lives of children...
would be unwise at this juncture
in your career, sir.
All right. What are you
doing with this? What are you doing with?
Get this out of here,
for God's sake.
What's the matter with you?
Come on.
Well, you know, the
school comes equipped
with fire exits at either
end of the library.
- Show Dick some respect.
- Let's go.
Go. Get back in your seat.
I expected a little more
from a varsity Letterman.
You're not fooling
anybody, Bender.
The next screw that
falls out is gonna be you.
- Eat my shorts.
- What was that?
Eat my shorts.
You just bought yourself
another Saturday, mister.
- Oh, I'm crushed.
- You just bought one more right there.
Well, I'm free the
Saturday after that.
Beyond that, I'm gonna have
to check my calendar.
Good! Because it's gonna be filled.
We'll keep going.
You want another one?
Say the word. Just say the word.
Instead of going to prison,
you'll come here.
- Are you through?
- No.
I'm doing society a favor.
- So?
- That's another one right now.
I've got you for the
rest of your natural boring life
if you don't watch your step.
- You want another one?
- Yes.
You got it! You got another one right there.
That's another one, pal.
Cut it out!
You through?
Not even close, bud.
- You got one more right there.
- You really think I give a shit?
- You through?
- How many is that?
you asked Mr. Vernon here
whether Barry Manilow knew
that he raided his closet.
- Now it's eight. You stay out of it.
- Excuse me, sir. It's seven.
Shut up, peewee.
You're mine, Bender.
for two months, I got ya.
I got ya.
What can I say?
I'm thrilled.
Oh, I'm sure that's exactly
what you want these people to believe.
You know something, Bender?
You ought to spend a little more
time trying to do something with yourself
and a little less time
trying to impress people.
You might be better off.
All right. That's it!
I'm gonna be
right outside those doors.
The next time I have to come in here,
I'm cracking skulls.
yourself - kendin
whether - olup olmadığını
vernon - vernon
varsity - üniversite
unwise - akılsız
thrilled - heyecan
those - bu
think - düşünmek
these - bunlar
spend - harcamak
watch - izlemek
something - bir şey
society - toplum
skulls - kafatasları
shorts - şort
seven - yedi
screw - vida
there - Orada
school - okul
saturday - cumartesi
right - Sağ
really - gerçekten mi
prison - hapis
people - insanlar
peewee - işemek çiş
outside - dışında
months - ay
might - belki
manilow - manilow
lives - hayatları
library - kütüphane
mister - bay
letterman - letterman
juncture - birleşme
close - kapat
clark - Clark
doing - iş
violating - ihlal
bought - satın
matter - madde
cracking - çatlama
bender - alem
going - gidiş
gonna - olacak
would - olur
exactly - kesinlikle
anybody - kimse
another - bir diğeri
raided - bastı
because - Çünkü
better - Daha iyi
center - merkez
asked - diye sordu
expected - beklenen
doors - kapılar
boring - sıkıcı
after - sonra
codes - kodlar
through - vasitasiyla
little - küçük
beyond - ötesinde
andrew - andrew
check - kontrol
calendar - takvim
barry - barry
clever - zeki
believe - inanmak
closet - dolap
comes - geliyor
crushed - ezilmiş
career - kariyer
eight - sekiz
equipped - donanımlı
magazines - dergiler
either - ya
children - çocuklar
endangering - tehlikeye atma
favor - iyilik
ought - gerektiğini
natural - doğal
excuse - bahane
respect - saygı
exits - çıkışlar
front - Ön
trying - çalışıyor
falls - düşme
instead - yerine
filled - dolu
anarchy - anarşi
fooling - ahmaklık
impress - etkilemek
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